Developer Awards! Phase 1: Swag Bags

40M robux is a huge goal, it would be very hard to gain these rewards.

It should be visits, favorites or something else.
Yes, visits and favorites can be botted, so pick out the games that have a unusual growth(except the ones played by youtubers, that can boost the player count alot).

If roblox does not change the requirement metric, I think roblox should lower the robux requirement to 10-20M

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$35k or 10m robux is still too much for a system that is already broken, (it shouldnt be based off of robux) something more realistic for devs is maybe 200k-1m


Don’t you guys think that 40 million is a little much for those things? I don’t want to upset anybody, but if you have 40 million robux, then these things wouldn’t be very prizing…


That is what most people are saying; most are saying that 10 million robux or some other requirement (such as visits) is more realistic.

This seems pretty even but at the same time it’s a very long milestone goal in order to get those items, thus it’s appreciated that us Roblox developers are getting treated better, however making $140k seems a little too much and maybe could’ve been place visits just like the one from the first reply on the post.

Bro, This is cool, I wish I could have a the Swag bag!
Can’t wait to see the other Developer Awards!

next reward is probably gonna be one billion visits or something stupid lol

Yeah, but still I like that The roblox Staff are giving Rewards to Developers.

not giving rewards to good developers, its giving rewards to developers who make pay to win games and care more about the money than making a quality game


I know everyone is complaining about the 40M milestone and I do agree, But the other awards could be for different milestones like community or engagement, right? :thinking:

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If they’re staring out with 250 bucks worth of bully-bait for earning a Google-tier salary from Roblox, I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


So… they start counting your 40M Robux goal in January of this year. Do they count again every January? Do they just send you the gift when you obtain 40M AFTER January 2020? How does that work



No I don’t think so, the original post states, “The bag is awarded to developers who achieve 40M+ lifetime Robux!” which leads me to believe that the 40M+ robux count is throughout your lifetime.

Yes, January 2020 has already passed, so they would have to send it to us after then.

I was under the impression that it was based on revenue data from 2018-2019, and 2020 was not counted. We honestly need more information as I think the delivery of the program came across as confusing in terms of technicalities.

hey 140k USD for some socks sounds great lets give them to developers so they no longer feel bad about star creators making videos about games made by developers!

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Not sure if I’m late to the party but here are a few thoughts that I don’t think I’ve seen in this thread or that very few people have posted.

I think the 40M is a bit steep, however I have a couple ideas as to why that may be.

  1. Since this is the very start of this program having a very high goal means that Roblox can start with a much smaller group and get any bugs in their process ironed out before getting a flood of devs.

  2. They specifically said that the other awards would be based on different metrics so it seems quite likely that you could get the other two awards before the swag bag. So by the time you reach this goal it could be your third award and not your first. This is assuming that the other two goal are easier to reach, but based on how hard this first award is I think it would be reasonable to assume that the next two will be a bit easier.

Also, to the people saying it’ll encourage cash-grab games. I think the bar is high enough where you can’t just earn enough through a quick cash-grab game. More likely you’d probably want to create a quality game that’ll last over time and that’s more sustainable.
Encouraging good monetization in games isn’t a bad thing either. Yes, there will be people who go the cash-grab route, but in the long run I think you’ll make more from a quality game than a cash-grab game.

One question I haven’t seen either is whether this is a recurring award. Like, if we got 80M (as massive as that is) would we get a second swag bag?

Even though I’ll never reach the 40M milestone, I’m really digging those socks

If they want us to be rewarded, it shouldn’t make them a profit really.

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40 million robux 140,000 USD! Not even the most richest people with all the limited’s have reached that. All for backpacks, sock, hoodie and a hat? If something like this was added there should be a lower amount of robux than 40 million. The star creators have more perks than we do, but we are the source of Roblox games. We should be granted with a sign next to our names like the Youtube Star Creators.


Roblox, you’re already taking 30% of our profits. :sob: This is what we get in return for making Roblox a multimillion dollar company. Great to see that y’all care enough about y’all’s moneymakers to give them a 15 dollar package if we reach over 40 million robux in sales!