Developer Awards! Phase 1: Swag Bags

I have yet to receive my email for this, Zero transparency as to when these are rolling out.

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I already got mine, I believe they have already rolled out?

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I went ahead and sent DevRel an email, hopefully they’ll acknowledge it.

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After seeing many comments about people complaining, I have decided to give my take on this.

  • The program was just rolled out. The reason they kept such a high price is to test it out. If Roblox feels it’s going successfully, they might reduce the bar.

  • There is no way you can compare Developers to Youtubers. There are less than 100 youtubers who get certain things, while there are thousands of Developers. It is no simple feat. Developers develop games, while youtubers make videos. Developers depend on youtubers for players. Youtubers depend on Developers for games to make videos on. You cannot say making videos is easier than developing. Each career has its own difficulties.

  • There is still 2 awards to go. The metrics might be different for those. Be lucky you are getting it for free, if you meet the requirements.

Making it 10k robux would create a huge influx of developers trying to claim it. You have no idea how many people have 10k robux here.

Can you give me few examples of tycoons and simulators which have earnt 40 million robux till date?

Like I said, the program has just rolled out. If it is successful, they may consider lowering the bar.


I never really saw the situation as Youtubers v. Developers, moreso just differentiating treatments and how Youtubers are being favored more than Developers. Roblox has contributed so much to the divide than one of the Youtubers even mocked a developer team for ridiculous reasons. (Won’t state who did this, but you get the gist.) @berezaa makes some excellent points in his thread that I heavily encourage you read:

And if even this situation is about comparisons, it’s kinda Roblox’s fault because they did it to themselves. They painted themselves into a dark corner after giving one side more perks and special abilities while developers just get a pat on the back.

As for your loaded question, you’re implying that I said tycoons are making 40M+ robux; which is blatantly false. Tycoons are obviously not going to be earning 40M+ robux down the line, but when you suggest that Roblox would be “lowering” the bar, (depending on this exhausting feedback,) then of course it’ll be possible for no-effort games to earn their place in the algorithm.

Just because something is free doesn’t excuse it from criticism. This program fails to offer any sort of incentive or appeal to any small developers. (Heck, even popular developers agree.)

I was really optimistic about this program when I heard about it during RDC. But after reading its concept and proposal, I’m afraid it’s just going to divide the community more.


Have you read this? I clearly stated that the program was just rolled out. In order to prevent a huge number of developers claiming it, they set such a high bar.

Edit: @Clueless_Brick

If you actually read my reply you would’ve found your answer.

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Couldn’t two people keep sending robux between each other to raise there lifetime earnings? Say someone with 1million keeps sending through to a friend then that friend send back and so on. Would this be a way for someone to cheat the system.

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what if i just buy 40 million robucks, can i have the cool merch then?


thats what, i have no idea what is the relation between roblox and money like they literally praise money like what?! money is success? is that what roblox thinks? this thing is so stupid, its not on place visits, its not on players, its money. What is money to roblox?

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The thing that keeps the platform alive. :yawning_face:

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but this is too much, i understand that but its different like you are not giving 40M robux for getting the item you get it for reaching 40M so thats not a benifit to roblox, so its kind of ridiculous, i dont even know what to say anymore

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Ah yes, time to come back to the dev forum after my break and see this! I’m delighted!



It’s crazy that I need to earn 40M robux to get a backpack, cap, hoodie, socks and a witches brew. That all together is worth about 15K robux.


Actually I changed my mind it was cool until the 40M Robux smh :woman_facepalming:t5:

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Very cool hoodie, I can’t wait to get it!


some percent is cut off when you keep transacting robux ya know they will end up with nothing in no time at all

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pretty sure you can make custom merch if u have enough money to buy that much robux also I dont think that will work

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Sounds like a neat addition to ROBLOX!

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The point is that 40 million robux is a lot. There are only a few thousands developers who can actually meet this criteria. While I think it’s great Roblox is actually trying to reward developers with bonus items, I also firmly believe that it should not be dependent on revenue at all. Even Youtube gives rewards for milestones opposed to how much they’ve made.


This is a great way for developers to celebrate their hard work and dedication to the ROBLOX platform and the creation of games. Some may argue that this is a good decision, developers being rewarded and a few goodies. A cap, socks, backpack, and a witches brew. However, on the other hand, some are disappointed and exasperated by this. Having to earn $140k (£105k) of ROBUX in order to receive $90 (£67) worth of accessories and merch.

In my opinion, I disagree with this article and the foolish decisions made. This doesn’t represent us developers properly, we’re the whole reason ROBLOX earns money. I think many would agree that it would be best if you lowered the amount of lifetime ROBUX required so that developers who don’t get much recognition could be awarded for their achievements, it’s unethical to reward those who are creators of extremely successful games. I can see where ROBLOX was coming from, but they should’ve thought this through.

I think ROBLOX could improve by instead rewarding players solely based off satisfaction from players, game rating, success, player count and more. In contrast to video star creators, the treatment is unjustifiable.

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