Developer Awards! Phase 1: Swag Bags

The requirements could be visits or something like that instead of robux so that it will be more achievable for us little know developers. With the star program it’s much easier to get stuff because they get a star code and then watch the robux roll in where as us developers have to work hard pushing out new updates and other stuff to get more robux. Thanks for listening to what I had to say.

I know the Youtuber vs. Developer argument is going to come up, so I’m going to add my two cents to the issue. Youtubers are Roblox’s only source of advertisement/marketing. Many companies will spend millions of dollars promoting some crap product. Roblox is no different. The unfortunate thing is that Roblox developers create incredible experiences for players, and corporate basically wipes their feet with them. I think they forget that we can easily switch to another game engine and make even more money. They honestly need to shove the goodie bags, and produce an award that is fitting for the many talented people on the platform.

I have seen so many ads for Roblox on Youtube. It goes to the actual Roblox website.

I agree, I might switch to a new platform to develop. A small modeler/ game designer like me makes close to no money.

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I’m also a modeler, which is why I was thinking this. It would be harder for scripters to try new platforms though because they’re used to using Lua, but models are basically the same everywhere with small differences.

We were eligible and have filled in the form around late November/early December along with some other teams. It’s been nearly two months now, and have heard nothing, not even a confirmation. When will the first wave swag bags be sent out? Is there an estimated date?

Edit: Just got this email!

This phase is not good at all and NOBODY should work just to get this. Here are some reasons why.

  • Well this is a dead giveaway like 40M+ robux? Seriously?

  • This is not at all to want developers to work hard or to have anything nice this is simply so ROBLOX can make a few bucks.
    Stopping the list there so I can explain.
    Any ROBUX you make some will go to ROBLOX meaning you are giving them a bunch of money to get a few hats, a backpack, and a hoodie that looks like it’d go on a toddler. This is OUTRAGEOUS. Sure they couldn’t make it over kill like X2 for what you get on DevEx or like 5000 USD. No. This is a backpack a few hats a sock with a logo that’s gonna be changed soon and other things like socks.
    Only good thing coming out of this in my opinion is a clear milestone you achieved and some cute things that come with it.
    Sorry if this came off as rude I just don’t like this phase and the entire awards thing. Hoping phase 2 will be better then I’d actually try to participate and not criticize.
    So all I ask is PLEASE. Make phase 2 better than phase 1.

So. In conclusion,
This is not something you should use time on ATM.
This is a cash grab to a very big extent if you read this entire post.
Lastly, there are just too many things wrong with this such as the robux needed.


Please make this better next time.


I don’t know why but this is actually absurd. How long have you been waiting now? Have you gotten this bag?

Pretty much since November 2020, and no we haven’t gotten it yet, they haven’t started shipping them due to complications. We’ll get an email once they start delivering them but they didn’t give an ETA so it could be another few months for what we know.

I am not too bothered about it though, since it’s just a goodie bag, but it’d just be nice if they were more transparent about it. There are only a few people on the entire platform that are eligible for this bag, so it’s not that hard to just keep us up to date with issues I’d say, but who knows.

Yeah this is what I meant in my rant. This entire event is absurd when they make this and they straight up forget about it.
Don’t think about this event too much. It’s simply a cash grab as I explained and nothing more. I’d expect nothing less from a event like this. :confused:

I mean they’re not really forgetting about it, and they don’t really gain money from this (in-fact they lose money since they’re giving away free stuff), the problem is that they’re slow and not at all transparent about their progress and practices. They basically reveal info when it’s convenient to them despite it taking months.

I have no doubt stuff is being done but it’d just be great if Roblox could show a bit more transparency when stuff goes wrong or is delayed, or just in general about how they do things. This doesn’t just apply to the swag bags but development and moderation too. Something happens and they pretend to ignore everyone until they think it’s a good time to reply, which can be days, weeks, months or even years.

One example of that is the catalog search feature, it has been broken for years and there were reports about it you can find on Twitter from back in 2015. It’s taken them 6 years to fix this issue despite many many many reports. No word from them, nothing.

They’re putting their priorities in the wrong place, they’re trying too hard to modernise the platform with these updates that most people won’t use like FIB (because realistically speaking, 90% of the platform who use mobile devices or older computers can’t run FIB games at high enough FPS to make it enjoyable, it’s an update that only seems to benefit hobbyists and showcase developers), but they forget about more important matters like the complete lack of account security and terrible moderation.


I don’t think you see my point.
What I mean is that you have to sell game passes on roblox to earn robux. Roblox straight up takes most of it, making this hard for small devs, modelers, UI designers etc.
So yes this is a cash grab and roblox basically sucks at giving out things they promise such as the GOLDLIKA BATTLE CHAIN THAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING WEEKS FOR
So yeah your right they are not transparent with anyone and in my opinion they are terrible at giving things on time.
I know that they have things to do but when you give a certain time your supposed to do something, you have to do it ON THAT TIME. You can’t take a collage exam and wait 3 years and be like “oh hey mr so and so here’s my test from 3 years back in so and so!” So yeah. It is a cash grab to a VERY BIG EXTENT.
They probably won’t be able to change my point or my POV about this. Hey, maybe phase two will be earning 50M+ lifetime robux from Premium Payouts who knows.
But for now, this event is trash, don’t do it, don’t waste your time on it, don’t do anything with it because if you and other devs don’t get the swag bag then this might’ve been a scam like the GLBC (goldlika battle chain) incident of it being delayed.
So honestly, just don’t do this “event”.

I mainly just see it as a nice bonus, but you’re right about it not being worth investing your time into just for the swag bag. If anything just put your time towards earning the 140k$ required to get the swag bag LOL.

The bag itself wouldn’t be worth it, luckily that’s not the only thing you’re getting technically speaking.


I can finally drink witches brew and bloxy cola.


newly found items probably related to this


Unique find, I’m curious what MAU stands for though.

Edit - You also listed the "Black Iron Crown of O’s twice. I think that one looks the best.

MAU stands for monthly active users.

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That could be phase 2 of the awards. I’m not 100% sure, but it’s probably likely in my opinion.

The idea of those items being brought out is making me wonder if they’re going to do something similar to the “Video Stars Program” but for developers. They started off the star program in a similar way: bringing out the star creator hat.

It would be so exciting to be eligible for something like that.

The longsword is also seen in the preview for phase 2


I wonder when we will get these items…

I like the Sound of It!! I especially can’t wait to my hands on The Swag bag :smiley: