I like and hate the idea at the same time.
This is great for small studios which started to work together and building a front page game and feeling a great success after but this will lead to more crappy games especially simulators so people try to get to this amount of robux so they get the rewards and can feel better than others.
Thanks Roblox for the swag bags, this is a cool way to reward developers who have excelled
I’m not sure if others feel the same way but I’ve always wanted something tangible that shows-off achievements related to my game. A plaque on the wall displaying that I achieved 100M place visits like a musician would for a song going platinum, or a youtuber would for reaching 1M subscribers. A nod towards our professional accomplishments that I can show to my friends, ankle socks don’t have the same effect unfortunately
Crossing my fingers for the next two tiers
It blows my mind how poorly this is being received. Roblox is offering free stuff and you’re complaining about it.
“$140,000 and Roblox is just giving me a swag bag?” Wrong. Roblox is giving you a hundred and forty thousand dollars. Instead of a swag bag they could give you a napkin with a tomato sauce splotch in the shape of the Roblox logo and that would still be going above and beyond what they owe you.
What’s wrong with the merch, anyway? A backpack, a zip-up hoodie, and a hat are awesome gifts. What else would they give? What did you expect, a Ferrari?
“I’ll never earn 40 million robux!” Then this phase isn’t for you. They need to limit who they address at first to ensure manufacturing and distribution is stable instead of scaling up wildly at the start. The later phases might address contributors who don’t necessarily make money from Roblox the traditional way, we’ll have to wait and see. I’ll probably never get this either, and that’s okay. It’s not owed to me.
What kind of message are you sending by chastising Roblox for announcing an awards program? Video stars got gifts and we complained, so Roblox gave us gifts. Now you’re complaining that the gifts aren’t enough. When a toddler gets a PlayStation for Christmas, and starts throwing a tantrum about how they wanted an Xbox, they don’t get an Xbox, they get nothing - the PlayStation goes back to the store.
Overall, I’m shocked at how immature, childish, and above all, entitled people are being. If Roblox completely scrapped this project just based on the pathetic feedback I would completely understand.
I was excited until I saw the requirements compared to the prize. 40m??? Other people are saying its over 100 thousand dollars.
That is a lot of robux we’ve got to earn, and is something I will probably never achieve considering I only have 20k+ lifetime robux (90% of it I bought).
It still is nice to see that is developers are getting rewarded now.
Or… just buy it with real money in the first place…? seams rather un-necessarily complicated what you said.
And thank you to the Roblox team for doing this for us. It really means a lot.
Will revenue from resold limiteds count towards the 40M?
It isn’t unrealistic to presume that most developers see it more as them earning that money themselves. Roblox is just paying out what the developer made.
Tbf this update was done to superficially pander towards the ones who were complaining about this for a while, so they could shut them up for once.
I would personally prefer to see Roblox putting their efforts into fundamentally improving their monetary rewards, instead of spending time on what seem like gimmicky distractions.
These are Developer rewards, not Trader rewards, so I doubt it. It’s probably counted from Robux that’s earned from in-game (or UGC) sales.
Very correct, however, I think people are mad because 40m is A LOT and VERY hard to earn even for most large developers (based on the Reward and Experiences breakdown chart). Because it’s such a hard award to earn, it may not be worth just a few pairs of branded clothes.
@Cracky4 had a really neat idea of award plaques similar to YouTube, which would be even more long-lasting and more impactful.
Ultimately, this number seems fairly close to the amount of space RDC has, and this decision is probably due that rewarding more (such as the 10k+ range) would be about 1,400 developers,
odd thing to point out, but considering they did cancel RDC EU 19/20,
this seems to be entirely based off a budget limit set (even though they could easily expand it)
If anyone is wondering, i’m about half the 40M goal with a 50M visits game (that i own 100%, no share)
which means, if well monetized, developers that is probably in the 40M range are somewhat in the
80M visits range, or a 1,600+ Concurrent players for almost the whole 12-last months
I think that the merch looks like a cool reward, but like some other people said, I feel like it should’ve been done based on visits instead. I get there would’ve been a few problems with that such as people botting visits, but this is just my opinion.
Also, again, like some other people said here, will Roblox ever get an official online merch store? That’s all I have to say, goodbye.
Were freelance developers left out of this program?
Again, the rewards may become easier to get as the program improves and new phases are introduced. R$40M is a lot, but you’re not earning the swag bag, you’re earning R$40M and Roblox is tossing in a swag bag as a token of appreciation.
Award plaques are a neat idea, but swag is just as nice and also more functional. Also I’m fairly certain the 3rd phase silhouette is a plaque
Exactly, if you make 140k USD from Roblox, you’re making Roblox over 500k if we use the generous 28% figure. Some go down all the way to 15% which would mean you made Roblox 933k USD. Edit: the purchasing rates of Robux may have changed since the last time this was calculated -take with a grain of salt the true numbers- the point is Roblox is taking cuts (and of course spending a ton on infrastructure) from your games. Reality is we don’t know the true share, so it’s somewhere in between. Developers would then in-fact have earned that 140k USD. The only thing given here are the new gifts.
I agree with Chipio’s general sentiment which is not publicly post your discontent with the first phase. However, running my own community I know that no matter what you do you will never impress everyone, so Roblox is definitely very aware of that, and they got to do what they got to do (ignore some). My advice to anyone making snarky remarks about the rewards would be take the long game, stop complaining on the Dev Forums, and make yourself someone that Roblox will take seriously for future posts, instead of random complainer #300 on the dev forum public announcement posts.
I’m fairly interested in the estimations of 28% and 15%,
28% seems faisible considering the unknown ratio of premium payout
but what about the 15% ? is it tax related ? different country prices of robux ?
This is going to be really cool! I would suggest that there be something for a smaller milestone, but it would be nice to show this to friends (not saying I’m anywhere near earning this lol) Person: Hey where’d you get that hat from? Dev: Roblox
This is pretty cool, But too bad for the developers who are paid USD and work on teams!
I’m a little confused here. You’re saying you’re awarding developers for… being developers, which is fantastic and the fact you’re listening to the community… is great.
However, I get the impression you’re not really rewarding the “developers” but you’re rewarding the group owners instead?
This is a great addition for those who are releasing games solo - but the majority of the games are under groups or consist of more than one dev… does this mean all team members receive it or just the owner? What about those who are contracted and paid USD?
Additionally, lower the goal. And as players gradually achieve them goals, then increase, alike the devex system.
P.s. Anyone want to go half on the socks?