Developer Awards! Phase 1: Swag Bags

For fellow developers:

Although I get what a lot of people here are saying, I would like to remind everyone that this program has started… Over time it will improve, rewards will become even more worthwhile (not to mention there eventually will be 3 ways of getting some sort of reward…) So keep that in mind before posting about how this is very hard to achieve or how disproportional the rewards are.

Roblox Staff (engineers or otherwise) work tirelessly every day to bring us the tools which allow us to create the experiences we’ve created. We are getting rewarded for working hard and using those tools by being able to Dev-Ex, that money is hard-earned and is yours. What we should be asking for is not more expensive rewards or rewards that are easier to achieve… No, personally I would want something that I can use which showcases and recognizes the hard work and many hours I’ve put in on the platform. Having a reward that is really easy to achieve makes it meaningless while having something that takes legitimate effort is much more worthwhile and would give you something more meaningful to show off to your friends and family.

Yes, the stars program gives video content creators more rewards at a more frequent pace, however, that is simply because those people also work hard to create content that promotes that platform and brings in (as well as keeps) players so that the developers would have more people playing their games. Those rewards are almost always blasted on social media and sometimes even shown in their videos, that gives not only the content creator a sense they are apart of the platform but also shows their fans they are watching someone who is well recognized by the platform they love and go on every day.

TL;DR, Although our rewards are not as expensive and as easy to get, they are still a cherry on top. When giving feedback please be specific on what you wish the reward was, and explain why it’s more meaningful to you than what is already provided. Don’t complain about free things that are given to you should you achieve a milestone. Also, don’t just complain about a certain milestone, instead, explain why you think it’s hard and provide an alternative suggestion

For Developer Relations:

Thank you for listening to the developer community and creating a program that gives us developers some recognition for our work on the Platform.

The post was a little confusing as there is quite a bit of vague information and some even contradicting…

So is it Robux we’ve earned in a lifetime, or is it Robux we earned per year?

If it’s per year, does that mean every year we get a swag bag should we achieve the milestone again, or is it a one-time thing?

Does this (“This data won’t be calculable”) mean that Robux we’ve earned before 2018 does not count? (if so then would “Lifetime” be a propper wording?)

What happens in the case where developers are working in teams (which is happening more often now)? Does everyone on the team get the rewards or does only the owner?
– Keeping in mind some teams (most of the large studios do this…) pay their developers outside of Roblox, so the developers won’t be seeing Robux go in their account

Ahah :rofl: :sweat_smile:



I didn’t see this information listed, are you sure this is correct?


Yes, it is stated in the email you receive if you are eligible.

I love how all the comments in here act like they DESERVE dev awards. Roblox does not NEED to do this they are just trying to do something cool for devs. You guys will complain about literally ANYTHING.


yeah I think people are trying to compare the milestone with what it’s worth and it’s flat out not the way it works. This is a REWARD and I don’t see why it’s worth complaining about.


I saw that Star Creators got a swag box recently and was hoping Roblox would do something like this for devs - awesome to see this so soon :open_mouth:

These small physical connections to the platform really make a bigger difference than you might think!


I can answer one of your Questions as I’ve just filled out the form! They are giving you the option to give 2 other developers the reward as well. So in total they are giving each Development Group up to 3 Swag Bags!


Are the emails already sent out? Or when will they actually send the emails to those who qualify?


Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t it 3.7k users to have devexed period?




Only award developers for making 40 mil!
The way I see this, you’re just promoting P2W, except it’s to win a… bag?

This announcement does not promotes creativity and actually trying to make a good game, but contradicting that, it promotes cash grabbing just so you can be classified as some “Cool Developer.”

I feel like this is a answer from @Roblox to this topic:
Differences in treatment between Roblox Developers and Roblox Star Video Creators - Development Discussion - Roblox Developer Forum

I don’t see the point of this, honestly.

ngl tho, that bag looks hot, I got 13k right now, only got 39,987,000 more robux to go!!!

But we have a right to complain for fair treatment against star creators who get swag EVERY QUARTER and dont have to work as hard nor put in as much effort.

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I also disagree here. The stars program is a program that popular creators get to join. This is a great way for Roblox to market. Naturally, this comes with incentives for the stars creators so they join and stay in the program. Being a star creator is not the same as being a developer. Make your game, make your Robux, and quit comparing yourself to others.

Edit: And, to be clear, I don’t mean this to be offensive or directed at you specifically. Just in general, I think it’s best to focus on ourselves.


Yes but considering roblox would not be alive without developers you think roblox would put more focus on giving developers more perks instead of the people who just market it, use games for popularity and move on when roblox loses popularity. :man_shrugging:


I really like this idea but needing 40M+ lifetime Robux is an awful lot, it seems the smaller developers are getting even more hidden away…


I definitely see what you’re saying. But at the same time, we are directly making money from the platform. Star creators are not. Or at least the ones that aren’t actively becoming developers as well.


Honestly, I think 40 million Robux is a completely exaggerated amount, and discourages any small developer who wants to stand out among many popular games.
I believe that putting a value like 1 million Robux would be much more motivating for small developers, in addition to generating a lot of profit for the platform. And it is a goal that everyone dreams of reaching one day, not an exaggerated amount like 40 million.

I believe that nothing will change, but that’s just my opinion


“Community Impact” is too wishy washy. That’s an opinionated column to go with.

Visits is easily bottable.

They picked something that makes sense imo. You need to make Roblox some money, before they give you something that is worth money.


I read an article on the dev forum a while back about how people were upset about the Video Stars getting preferential treatment. It’s super refreshing to see Roblox taking steps to make creators feel more appreciated. Good job Roblox!


Just to be clear, developers qualify currently if they earned 40M starting from January 2018-January 2020? (as in, earnings from 2 years, 2018 & 2019)

And if developers don’t qualify this year, next year they will be eligible if the earnings from 2020 added to previous all-time earnings make up at least 40M? The program will be continued going forward, and not just exclusive to the ‘wave’ periods, correct?


Sounds great! Quick question though, is there like a criteria document? Like, what you need to get to that criteria so people can know what stop they need to go to so they know when they are eligible to get these developer awards?