Developer Awards! Phase 2: Virtual Items

I had 150k+ MAUs back in January for at least 2 months in a row and never got the Sparkle Time Crown from the first wave. Hopefully I will earn it soon. I wanted to see if the email they provided manually awards crowns to people who have the requirements if requested, but all I got was automated responses.



I got over 500 MAU last month and just over 900 this month, hopefully I get to see the golden crown soon as well, maybe the bombastic in the future.

When they said “waves”, I think most of us thought it would be monthly or even weekly… My game has supposedly been eligible since may, fingers crossed the next wave is on the horizon

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Yes. I don’t think anybody was clear on how long waves were but it meant quarterly, which is 3 months. The next wave is right around the corner!

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CC: @tokidaso, @Marklovefamily

If you read the post, it says:

Hi everyone,

Thank you for sharing your excitement and what you’ve earned so far since we started the dev awards program. It’s inspiring to see so many of you proudly wearing these virtual awards!

Unfortunately, we have also received an overwhelming number of dishonest survey submissions that include many ‘team members’ who have not contributed to the creation of the experience.

We want this program and its awards to be symbolic of your accomplishments and milestones on your journey as a Roblox developer. Granting awards to individuals who have not earned it devalues the hard work of those that have.

Because of this, we have decided to place a temporary limit on award distribution. Until we have a new solution in place, milestone awards will only be granted to the owner of an experience.

This was not an easy decision to make. We know that a majority of experiences on Roblox were created through the efforts of multiple individuals. Please be patient while we work on a solution that will grant awards to all contributors.

Thank you


Perhaps a few methods I can just kind of throw out there

  • Tracking the overall amount of time that user has spent in that games studios | Although this would ruin it for those who are out of studio developers :confused:

  • You could maybe add a time limit? Lets say I have a group you shouldn’t start receiving rewards from that group until you’ve been in it for a 6 month period, reason why I chose 6 months is due to if a person if doing a commission for that group they aren’t gonna stick around for a full 6 months to retrieve a crown.

those are just my little starting points you can maybe look towards to prevent the disrespectful developers who ruin the true value of these developer rewards.


This is extremely disappointing to hear, however, it is a relief to hear that something is being done to combat the dishonest practices that were going on.

I was looking forward to obtaining the crowns from one of the group projects that I’m a major contributor to, but I think the program’s integrity should be a higher priority. I hope that there is a solution that will allow contributors to get their own rewards sometime in the future.

I think a part of the problem is that there is no objective measurement of contribution for any project. You cannot exclusively detect studio time because it would also exclude developers such as graphic designers and such. You can’t just leave it up to the owner because of the dishonesty that it will bring. I don’t know of any easy solutions to this problem, so I hope that the program takes the time it needs to figure something out.


This is sad to hear. But at least the program is back! And it’s awesome for everyone that is available to do it!



Thanks for the update, are the “waves” described in the original post still planned? If not, should owners of experiences that recently met crown rewards (after the initial wave had been completed) send an email with the appropriate details?


would this change not happen and the program would be fine if it weren’t for the people making false responses in the forms?

also how long will the limit be? is it for a few weeks or months?

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I am happy to see that this is being combated. Will the side developers that were included in the rightfully reported submissions get the crowns in this wave?


Definitely disappointing to hear I won’t be able to receive several crowns for quite some time…

I believe a small solution could be validating that a user has editing permissions of the place / group game by checking on the group rank. Another way could be for how long the user has had that rank, showing if they did help contribute to the game.


Glad to see that this issue is being resolved


at least this change might stop trollers from making false responses to get one of the crowns so i guess that’s probably a good thing


I have a suggestion for a replacement. In order to be eligible for rewards the member would have to be a member of the developer forum for an certain time period (preferably several months) and also if part of a group you would have to be a member of the group for a certain amount of time (months probably).

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Finally, something has been done to prevent people from getting the Crown of O’s illegitimately.


The DevForum isn’t used as a metric of if you’re a dev or not because of how open it is

Developers already do that and also it would kill eligibility for a lot of newer games that popped out within days of reaching the milestones.


I am well aware of this, but some kind of dated schedule would still be nice. If a wave is indeed coming up though, can’t complain for now

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The MAU requirement for this should never have been as low as 100. It was bound to invite a crazy amount of work onto devrel to verify people and meant pretty much everyone thought they would qualify. The easiest way to fix the program in future is to raise the threshold of the Gold Crown.