Developer Awards! Phase 2: Virtual Items

Asta ahora no me llega la corona mi juego paso mas 500 visitas y llene el formulario 15 veces y los formulario los llene hace 2 meses y aun no me llega.

i believe the topic said you need 100 MAU or higher (for example your game needs 100 different players to join your game in a month) to get one of the crowns

spanish: Creo que el tema decía que necesitas 100 MAU o más (por ejemplo, tu juego necesita 100 jugadores diferentes para unirse a tu juego en un mes) para obtener una de las coronas.

i don’t really speak spanish so i just used google translate to see what u were talking about (Realmente no hablo español, así que utilicé el traductor de Google para ver de qué estabas hablando)

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i dont think im getting my crown anymore. Even after contacting the support people after 3 months, they still give the same automated response :frowning:

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The next wave is calculated to be the end of this month. Be patient… lol


Wdym “after” 3 months. It has not even been 3 months since this thread started lol!

You should contact them only after 23rd July


I contacted them and basically they said to wait. The crowns are given every quarter. But I am excited I get the golden one :smiley:


creo que la corona me llega el mes que viene


so they should arrive in 4 days?


Why you say that? I didn’t hear anything.

well thats because the maximum wait time is until july 23rd

one day left, still havent gotten it :frowning_face:

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Where did you get this information from?

I’m pretty sure the first wave ended around 3 months ago. He might not be right about July 23rd because we don’t know the day or exactly when it ended but it must be around that time.

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I mean yea, I just wanted to know if the date has any merit to it or not. It’s pretty dangerous to throw around dates that you can’t back up as the people getting crapped all over for not delivering on the “promise” will be people distributing the crowns and not him.

they started the first wave around apr 22 or 23

So it’s a calculation? Please don’t throw around that without mentioning that this is your calculation. As mentioned above, this only creates bad feelings for people who didn’t promise us anything.

Its really been like 2 months and like 10 days since survey submitted and I (contributor) didn’t get it yet, so don’t panic if you didn’t I think its normal


Is today the day the next wave of crowns are awarded? I have over a 500+ MAU on my group game.

Screen Shot 2021-07-23 at 8.56.52 AM


No one knows. I wouldn’t be expecting it today but within the next few days.


I got my first crown message on May 9th. The golden crown fandom page went unedited for three months until around that time so there may be a couple of weeks left.