Developer Console Causes Massive Memory Leak

I think this has correlations with the core health ui being broken, some people have mentioned it there. Read: Health CoreUI is broken - #31 by pozzzy333


follow up to this; roblox has taken action and is releasing a patch next week:


Roblox fixed the warnings in the console. But the memory leak still remains

hm, interesting. i don’t know what it could correlate with then…

I think it is gone since I do not get crash report anymore for a while.

This issue is still occurring. I have been unable to properly debug LuaHeap related memory leaks or even see if they exist in my games due to the Developer Console memory leak. Was there an update posted on the status of this? I’d love to have this issue be fixed as soon as possible so we can get back on track eliminating memory leaks.

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Hi there,

In case you were not aware, Roblox team members are on break from work for the holiday seasons. As such, they are doing more important things at the moment (eg. spending time with family or doing other off work activities). This means that the team doesn’t have access to the internal tools required to fix this issue, nor do they have the time to do so.

Fear not though! Roblox team members will be back to work soon. Once they’re back to work, an internal report may be filed on this issue and the bug here will be patched. Thank you for still acknowledging this issue!

– ghidras


Hello, everyone! I tried to reproduce the issue myself, but I was unsuccessful. @vastqud can you DM me a repro-place? I would very much appreciate that!


No problem, I just DM’ed you the file and the link to the experience I was using to play online.


I’m having the same issue in my own place, I checked in the memory breakdown from the client and found that there’s 1 specific section constantly consuming lots of memory and then dumping it into the LuaHeap:

There’s a second one also taking up memory though not as much as the first one: Image


This still seems to be a problem, the client ‘LuaHeap’ continues to jump by around 20-30 every so often. I’ve disabled and removed all of my client scripts and it still jumps & slowly increases. This is making it very difficult to resolve my own issues related to memory.

I’m still quite new to the whole idea of memory leaks, but this did topic seems to fit the issue.

Client Version: 0.509.0.5090219 (6808cd)
Client CoreScript Version: 534595812.3047


Lua Heap is actually not the issue for me, it’s actually untracked memory, and it spiked significantly. LuaHeap rose a bit but not as much as untracked memory.

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It has brought to my attention that the following section appears to skyrocket when you scroll in the Developer Console. That’s all I found and I hope it helps.

Here’s a video example that may proof my thesis (Unfortunately the file is too large to upload in full quality)

Click this link to download the original MP4 (This is a Discord Attachment link)


Hello! This issue is being worked on. I will update you once this is fixed.


So has this been fixed yet? I’ve been getting 300MB+ on my LuaHeap and now I’m not sure if it’s the result of the game or the console.


Update: it’s the console. I used Stats:GetTotalMemoryUsageMb and the problem never came up. Once I opened the dev console the numbers started going :chart_with_upwards_trend:zoom


Still happening and any news when this will get fixed?


Hi, this issue should now be resolved on RobloxStudio and Client version 544+. Please provide an update in this thread if you can still reproduce the reported bug on that version. I will continue to monitor this thread. Thanks for the report and the additional screenshots and videos provided!


It seems to be resolved for me now, thanks!

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