Developer Events | Submissions Open for May - July

The events where worth it. Mostly because it will increase the rate of players in your game, after the players come to your game, they will hopefully see how good your game is, then play it.

Hope I helped. :slight_smile:

No you really didn’t, sorry.

There is still nothing special about LiveOps and the player boost you get may as well be only temporary if you don’t have appropriate retention strategies applied - even then, the playerbase you earned isn’t guaranteed to stick.

LiveOps doesn’t differ from the promotional strategies already offered that aren’t staff run, such as sponsored games and ads. Your game is just put on a page in the sidebar, that’s all.

Roblox left a very special part of the community behind for a glorified version of Featured Games (a page dedicated to displaying LiveOps promotions).

I still don’t see the point of using it.


I do not think there is a point of liveops, but there was a point of EVENTS.


…yes, that’s what I said.

Events and LiveOps are two different things despite it trying to be shoved to us that they are the same and an adequate replacement for events.

My point is that I don’t see the benefits of LiveOps when other options are readily available for you to use to attract a playerbase.

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Oh I thought they were basically the same thing. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Roblox 2019 Events Update

Ah, sounds like a good opportunity for some games. @AwesomelyDeveloper, your game sounds good enough to part in this. Might wanna part in it after you finish things up a bit.

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I’m curious to see the stats for these games after the liveops event is over. That way we can see if any of those players stuck around.

I’m even more curious to see how these games will perform in the coming months. I wonder if the amount of people who click the liveops page will go down?

As for the application process, I don’t think it’s fair that some games get to be featured for a week while later down the line this is potentially changing to a day. What if I submit a game in the future thinking it’ll be up for a week but then by the time I’m accepted I only get a day? I would feel like I was stabbed in the back.


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Did the date for your game already happen? If so, did you get a reply after that date, or if you got a reply before your event started, how long did it take for you to receive a response after you submitted your game? I submitted my game a few weeks ago with my event taking place in late June and have not received a response yet.

I agree, especially with the featured games programme.
I was told they’d look into the game and possibly feature it, and then they turn around all of a sudden and tell me the rules have changed.
“Your game has to be in the top 250 games”

“Just Curious” “if I”

It was a hypothetical question, I did not actually make a request. I assume that you most likely were not accepted if they did not reply.

Knowing from past experience, they tend to notify you only when you are accepted

My bad. To me it seemed as though you applied.

I’m going to continue waiting for a response to my application until the date for my event arrives, and if I don’t end up receiving one, I’ll try resubmitting my game to host my event on a later date. I was notified about the status of my 2019 Roblox summer intern application and so I believe if I were to not end up having my game selected that I will receive a response stating that.

They do notify you when you’re accepted.

My question was if they also notify me if I am denied.

They should, I don’t see why only people who are accepted would get a notification.

I just know from when they did Roblox Developer Forum applications, I was not notified of the denial. I was just curious, Thanks for the info.

Good, glad to see that the teams give that information. It’s great that Developer Relations are doing this now. Have a good day.

I do see this as a way to promote games. But showcases exist too, they are a work of art. Perhaps make a separate event just to promote showcases. I know they aren’t a game and I guess this sounds quirky to even ask, but considering some outstanding work that not much people even see, I think they are worthy of promotion just as much as games.

So maybe since this thing exists, maybe create another event tab featuring and promoting artistic works of showcases.

Looking forward to this, might as well send an applications I have some good ideas in my head right now, but yeah like TophatBloxxer said I do believe this is a good way to promote your own games.