Roblox 2019 Events Update

It is re-added for Live Ops. Keep in mind, while event prizes aren’t given out. Badges giving in game prizes is half decent.

How I see it, players would join games for catalog items, then leave and never come back; that’s what I did lol.
With this new change, although there might be less potential players playing, more of them will actually spend time playing the game.
I don’t see how this is any different from being on the featured sort though other it being on a separate page, and there being a little blurb beside the icon (I wonder how many players will actually read those though).


Oh haha, true. That is a good reason. Since everyone does that pretty much. Server hopping is common with these kinds of events. Now that Live-Ops comes in, they do benefit the games a bit more as well as the players in a different way.

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Well, I kinda agree with this updates, it stop players using cheats to get old-time Roblox items, as you saw in greenlegocats, might be a bit UN-topic but he said that there are cheats to get items from events when they expired, it was smart to remove it and get in-game badges along with promocodes you can get.

8wa showed that the results of the live-ops was substantial and good. However, I do not think this should replace seasonal events and monthly events. First off, it might just be better to have an event every other month, that way they can be worked on more. Second, seasonal events are tradition on Roblox and everybody is excited to participate. Seasonal events should be kept in one game so that way people can use Robux to buy upgrades and make it easier to collect some items. Whereas if it was server hopping like the egg hunt it’s more of get the egg then leave, or get the hat then go. In short, both types of events are needed to improve games, but live-ops isn’t fully bad.

Is it confirmed no more egg hunts are taking place? Most of my Roblox memories are from past egg hunts.

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Yes as those are still events Roblox hosted yearly

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actually, I say otherwise. It says both seasonal and monthly events, so the egg hunts are done for, unfortunately they are categorized under the “seasonal” tab. The only event staying as of now is the Bloxy Awards.

There’s also a possibility that sponsored events will stay for the time being…


Sounds like a really bad idea to replace events. It’s the only fun way for people to get items without getting R$ or BC, without you guys releasing free hats. I still like the idea behind LiveOps, and how it’s 100% developer driven. It’ll bring a new spotlight for newer developers, like myself, to get players and people interested in their game.


Well, like the Godzilla items suggest, I believe so. However, I don’t think there will be games we play for prizes. Just promocodes and catalog items. Really disappointing. It could promote some games too.

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Me and a few friends worked as a team to glitch some things. Found out we could get event items from around 2016 a few weeks ago. So we did it on a few accounts and it worked. We decided to email ROBLOX about this glitch. I believed they patched it a bit before events ended.

While I believe the concern being people cheating to get old time event items, we did report the glitch and reviewed by the engineering team. I am pretty sure it is patched now to not be much of a concern anymore.

Ahh, Good thing they removed it until it got any badder.

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I am glad too. I don’t feel abusing that glitch was very fair. Plus bug hunting is fun too. You should try it.

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I am going to be Honest about the new event idea. I like it. If it supported more then just Already popular games. Like kola cafe is already pretty popular. If roblox really wanted to put Developers in the spot light they would also help those who Are not on the main game page already. This is just my thinking. Go for The developers that do not have That many place visit per day. I have seen a lot of great work that should be on top page yet there not. 1. Advertising is to expensive. 2. Getting your game out there is just a really hard thing to do.


I love seeing how it is helping developers, and looking at the recent points brought up, I’m more confident players will stay around.
I still think it is too early though to conclusively call it a success. I’d want to see how developers fair after the event, see how many come back compared to the players before the event, and contrast that against any backlash around when seasonal events usually occur.
Now that the change is officially out in the open, nothing left to do but stay nervously optimistic.

I am curious to see how this will affect Roblox’s fashion market, thinking about it now. I got most of my robux from commissions and tickets. I don’t see how new players below the age of 13 will evolve their style after this. Lots of implications, lots to track!

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Exactly, that is a good point. I feel a very bad disadvantage if this can’t be done.

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I played some live-ops, and after playing them, I felt bored immediately. They do not add the same flavor as events. However, I like the concept. I also like that Roblox is giving lesser known developers and their games a chance in the spotlight. I applaud them for doing so, and I encourage them to keep it up.


The thing is… I don’t notice badges in some of the games like Koala Cafe for this live ops event? Probably why the other games appeal a lot more. I mean, this is literally doing what people already do and is more like Role-playing than actual gameplay. I prefer promoting actual games that have a small player base but a good quality game. Instead of promoting a large enough game already.


I agree with you. Kola Cafe’s event doesn’t live up to its hype. I suggest the developers to put a fun objective next time, or at least introduce a new feature. Some events, like the Bag Hunt, are okay.