Developer Exchange Program Minimum Requirements Changes

i am having the same problem it’s been almost a month and still pending

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Woudldn’t it be the same? More people play the and more games are created so the server rent prices also increase for roblox. And more players = more developers.

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Can someone please clarify what SLA means?

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Raising the DevEx rates aren’t as easy as lowering the minimum requirements, I think they are currently evaluating what is best to do because by lowering the requirements for DevEx they will have a lot more DevEx requests but increasing DevEx involves big expenses, a developer doing 50000 Robux of DevEx doesn’t notice much difference compared to one doing DevEx with 10M Robux. The DevEx thing is very complicated and obviously we developers want to earn more money however it should be considered that Roblox behind the huge earnings also has huge expenses and 1% more DevEx for us seems little but for such a big company it is a huge expense.


That seems a good update for small creators. Maybe even lower it to 15K or 10K.

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This is amazing for small creators and groups which get less monetization. But most people are asking for higher rates instead and I disagree with any of them :joy: :joy:

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That would be pretty low, which means that a lot of scammers and hackers can cash out the stolen robux. You have to think about that as well


He said to type in SLA meaning, not just SLA.


You don’t have to submit legal documents if your developer exchange request is worth less than $600. Also it depends on where you live really.

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You can’t cash out stolen robux. i mean, Roblox takes days to check your robux so yeah

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i’ve never heard of such a thing before, and it’s not written on the help page, can you send a source?



I was kidding lol…
Besides someone already answered my question, looking up SLA meaning (as per your guys’ suggestion) wasn’t helpful when I was trying to understand the contextual definition in relation between Roblox and developers, hence ‘Roblox DevEx SLA’.

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You have to give legal documents to be eligible for DevEx. It doesn’t matter the amount, when setting up a DevEx account you need to give lots of personal info, including your social security and address.


The $600 thing is that any payment over $600 will be reported to the IRS. So while <$600 payouts wont ve shared with the IRS, you still need to give credentials to receive said money.

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It’s not a thing regarding Roblox, it was a bill passed by the US Senate. They require tax documentation on exchanges over $600. You can go read up on it. But then again, it is a bill that was passed in the US and not other countries so you should look up rules and regulations for your country if you don’t live in the US.

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That is different. That process is more of an identity verification one. When I was referring to legal documentation, I was specifically referring to taxes. Sorry if my point wasn’t conveyed properly.


Oh no, the poor billionaires executives at Roblox will lose money if they increase the dev ex rates! Think of the billionaires!


Where did they announce that? Also inflation effects every companies profits that is why prices go up so that it does not effect them. Even before inflation they have not really increased DevEx that much either.

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I assure you, I don’t kiss up to these guys, but they already lose enough money each year with popular developers cashing out mad bank every month.

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Perhaps, reading the $RBLX financials would help this topic

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