Developer Exchange Program Minimum Requirements Changes

I believe it had something to do with the inflation of USD.

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Inflation should not affect it much at all either. In-fact inflation is a reason why the rate should be increased.

If everything is being inflated in price then the Robux price to purchase should be increased (due to by theory employers giving more money to there employees due to the inflation). Also if inflation is happening causing things to cost more and things like that then the DevEx rate should be increased so devs can pay for things as the price of things goes up.

That is unless I have mistaken what you mean by “inflation”. I personally am from the UK and that is what normally inflation means and causes to happen.

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Can anyone tell me what SLA means?

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Most beneficial for smaller developers. Hopefully Roblox keeps their words about this change not affecting the current SLA processing time. Now, let’s talk about the rate shall we? Haha


You can search up in your browser “SLA meaning”.


This is awesome! This will open up a new opportunity to creators that can start a living developing on Roblox.

This updates is nice, but eventually they exchange program was changing and was giving developer requirements on helping different games to earning DevEx rate change, so even increase exchange for total over 30k robux amount cash does a $105 USD which was rates has been raised for changing.

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Why do so many kids keep trying to spread this Roblox propaganda without thinking once about it.

Yes, this may be the actual percentages that Roblox claims to pay out, but this doesn’t explain how Roblox continually grows and grows and manages to increase spending in literally every other section by uncountable amounts, yet can’t afford to make the devex rates even budge a little bit since 2017.

Have you stopped to consider even once that maybe, just maybe, that percentage no longer is accurate? Or alternatively, it still is accurate but instead of raising the rates they’re lowering the entry for it meaning they still technically pay out the same, they just don’t need to pay more per person.


Roblox has increased spending on DevEx throughout the years. Just because the rates haven’t changed doesn’t mean spending has been stagnant. In 2020 they spenT ~330 million dollars on Developer Exchange Fee which then increased to ~540 million during 2021 (don’t have the numbers for 2022 as Q4 2022 quarterly earnings report hasn’t been posted yet.)

Can’t tell what side you’re on since it somewhat sounds like both but this information is important for anyone discussing the DevEx rates.


Yes because why not increase approval time for devex for people that actually need it.


Your suggestion was rather unhelpful haha.

I meant more specifically what is an SLA in the context of Roblox and us developers. I don’t really understand.

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Roblox announced recently that inflation was severely impacting their profits. roblox barley makes any money with what they have to spend. 25% goes to app store fees and 50% is for roblox’s costs


Very nice for all the Developers out there c:

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Here ya go:



You can calculate it here!


Is this gonna make devex times take longer now? This is cool for ppl who don’t make as much but the wait time was already long enough.

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Yeah fr, you really don’t need to devex less than 350 especially waiting a whole week and likely more due to the mass increase in ppl devexing.

This is seriously going to effect people who actually rely on devex and aren’t just devexing 100 dollars if there aren’t more employees dedicated to reviewing devex requests.


Well, I’m pretty sure people relying on Devex would count as repeat users therefore their payments wouldn’t be postponed.

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That’s super great, my devex reqeust Been 3weeks+ I applied on 1/11/2023 is still Pending…


Same here, know a couple of devs that have been waiting for weeks, yet somehow lowering the minimum seems to have more importance :smiley:

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