Developer Modules: Updates & New Modules!

Yes. I modified all my animation weights to comply with the new Animation Engine Update requirements: link. By setting “AnimationWeightedBlendFix=Enabled” I should be getting better performance and fewer bugs (according to the docs).

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I am currently testing the Surface Art [Dev Module] and have set “AnimationWeightedBlendFix=Enabled”. Now after putting a graphic on the surface via the dev module, the default animations like running or jumping do not work properly any longer. I suspect that the camera tween after exiting surface art selector UI is responsible for this.

Social Interactions is having a bit of an issue right now

(I haven’t changed anything with this module, and it used to work perfectly. This is what it looks like from when I start the game in Studio and no matter where I move my camera)

For context, the decal on the shirt is on the front

EDIT: I cannot repro this after reopening the game, weird that this could have somehow been fixed with no changes.

Hey @CheeseGodTheEpic, glad it’s fixed! Let us know if this happens again, we’d be happy to look into it with you.


Hi…for the Scavenger Hunt module there is nothing in documentation about configuring the modal that says something like “use these tokens as a sample on your game”. I have only been able to configure the introModal and the completeModal. How can i configure the middle message or modal?

Hey @RMofSBI, check out the Using Tokens section of the docs, in particular this point:

Include a child StringValue instance set to the “flavor text” to display when the token is collected.


You are a life saver, thanks so much!!

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