Developer Modules: Updates & New Modules!

These are great and all but I’m just curious if there will be modules made that’s not geared towards social interactions but more so for gameplay/game mechanics, UI /ie menu’s etc. Maybe like different npc stuff, camera controls, quest systems, storyline stuff.

I can think of more but it’s subjective to my game idea, however I think that people would benefit from a lot of this, I know I would. I’m a beginner scripter, I’ve learned the basics so having stuff like that, I could work with, to try to improve on my experience and eventually make my own stuff, or add to the already made systems.


The developer modules seem to have been taken down. Links in Developer Modules just redirects to an error.


Try to use its alternative @Maximum_ADHD Realism


By the way I just figured out, the Social Interactions module is a great replacement for the RealimMod dynamic module. Much smoother and overall more secure since it’s made by Roblox themselves.

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Still @Maximum_ADHD realism is better with footstep sound and first person and is made by a roblox staff


Yes, Agree, Disagree, Laugh, and Sleep animations are still broken.

EDIT: But at least we can fix it ourselves by commenting out the four lines “requiresOwnershipOf” in the emotesList script.


That is because u dont own them. I guess. U must buy it for emote

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Why are the default chat animations not all free? I see ‘zzz’ is supposed to sleep, but the sleep animation is not default, not free, and from what I can tell, not for sale? So, it does nothing for my avatar. This is not so useful if the animations don’t work for everyone. Same with the ‘no’ / ‘nope’ animation.

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[quote=“ScottSpiritWalker, post:53, topic:1626520, full:true”]

can you even buy them? I see this:

These are not so useful if most players will not even have the animations needed to participate. Kinda silly to expect every game dev to make their own ‘yes’, ‘no’, laugh, sleep animations and then customize the script to make the ‘default’ emotes work. It defeats the purpose of using a canned module like this. It won’t work as expected for most devs as-is, out of the box.


Each emote has animation which is not buyable. U can use to get this I’d by using insertservice to insert emote.

The animation doesn’t play if the player doesn’t own it. I don’t own it, and I don’t see a way to own it. Am I missing something here?

from the code:

sleep = {
		animationId = "rbxassetid://4686925579",
		requiresOwnershipOf = 4689362868,
		triggerWords = {


for _, emote in pairs(list) do
		if emote.requiresOwnershipOf and not emote.isOwned then

so, it does nothing if you don’t own it


Thank you, Sir_Highness, that was very helpful. I just commented out the four lines “requiresOwnershipOf …” in the emotesList, and now those emotes work!


Requireownershipof variable is the main reason. Roblox staff must add setting to disable that property directly.

One thing I found odd about the Body Orientation module is the way it faces the player away from the camera when you are looking at your character’s face. Who doesn’t love a selfie right? And if you attempt to take a selfie at any angle other than straight on, your character will look away from your camera! To fix this behaviour I changed these lines starting at line 84 in the OrientableBody module:

	if horizontalAngle > math.pi / 2 then
		horizontalAngle = (math.pi - horizontalAngle) * -1
	elseif horizontalAngle < -math.pi / 2 then
		horizontalAngle = (-math.pi - horizontalAngle) * -1

This will make your character face the camera if your camera is facing your character. A much better behavior in my opinion.

example selfie after this change:

same angle selfie before, with the default orientation code:

Perhaps they intended it to work the way I have modified it based on a comment in the script which seems to describe the behavior that I have implemented. The comment:

	-- If looking behind the character, it will instead rotate towards the camera

So, maybe it was a mistake.


It actually makes the character look where the player sees.

I know that, but it didn’t work that well because the avatar can’t spin past 90 degrees so you’re not actually looking where the camera is facing anyway. Also its somewhat annoying when you are trying to look at your character. I like it better looking at the camera when the camera is facing the character’s front, so I have shown a way to change that if you so choose.

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There is a bit of a “show stopper” for me using the Chat Animations. If you use Workspace.AnimationWeightedBlendFix = Enabled, then the chat animation will look weak and incomplete to all other players. The animation will look good locally but will look weak and poorly blended to other players. Roblox encouraged developers to modify their animations to work with AnimationWeightedBlendFix = Enabled but this developer module does not look good to other players with it Enabled. Note that the same emotes played through the round GUI play correctly. But not through chat animation from this Developer Module.

If you could find the place in the code maybe you could fix it by stopping idle animations before the emote is played?

That is the ‘compliant’ option 2 described here:

animations played through the round gui work by stopping the idle animation first (and I assume restarting it after)

I replaced line 89 in the ChatEmotes module script with the following code. Seems to have fixed the “AnimationWeightedBlendFix = Enabled” problem. My first attempt was to stop other animations before playing the emote, then restart them after. But that had some issues with looped emotes reanimating. The following change to line 89 is a much easier way to force a higher priority blend:

currentTrack:Play(50,999,1)		--ScottSpiritWalker changed to strengthen the blend when AnimationWeightedBlendFix = Enabled.
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Nice, looks good. I thought about using that, but I didn’t consider a way to restart them after. I don’t use the “AnimationWeightedBlendFix = Enabled” opt-in so I didn’t try it (since I haven’t even seen the problem in my game)

Curious as to why you use that opt-in setting? Preparing for the future when its mandatory?