Developer product says it's not on sale-even though it is

Yup, found it. Here it is: 2601492419

Not good:

	"errors": [
			"code": 403,
			"message": "Asset type does not match requested type"
	"requestId": "637601752201872584",
	"IsHashDynamic": false,
	"IsCopyrightProtected": false,
	"isArchived": false

Do you mind printing the info in the getproduct info.

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Um, yea, I can do that. Give me a moment…

This error is quite weird, never seen it before.

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If you go in game settings there is one there.

That’s interesting. Perhaps I got the unlucky draw and encountered a rare bug?

Here’s the product info. Something’s definitely wrong, a bunch of IDs are displaying as 0, even essential ones like the creator ID.

	["AssetId"] = 0,
	["AssetTypeId"] = 0,
	["Created"] = "2021-06-25T01:40:52.3246618Z",
	["Creator"] =  {["CreatorTargetId"] = 0, ["Id"] = 0},
	["IconImageAssetId"] = 0,
	["IsForSale"] = false,
	["IsLimited"] = false,
	["IsLimitedUnique"] = false,
	["IsNew"] = true,
	["IsPublicDomain"] = false,
	["MinimumMembershipLevel"] = 0,
	["Name"] = "Donation - 5",
	["PriceInRobux"] = 5,
	["ProductId"] = 1185279848,
	["ProductType"] = "Developer Product",
	["TargetId"] = 8398769,
	["Updated"] = "2021-06-25T03:50:42.2733242Z"

	["AssetId"] = 0,
	["AssetTypeId"] = 0,
	["Created"] = "2021-06-25T01:41:00.5769442Z",
	["Creator"] =  {["CreatorTargetId"] = 0, ["Id"] = 0},
	["IconImageAssetId"] = 0,
	["IsForSale"] = false,
	["IsLimited"] = false,
	["IsLimitedUnique"] = false,
	["IsNew"] = true,
	["IsPublicDomain"] = false,
	["MinimumMembershipLevel"] = 0,
	["Name"] = "Donation - 25",
	["PriceInRobux"] = 25,
	["ProductId"] = 1185279869,
	["ProductType"] = "Developer Product",
	["TargetId"] = 8398771,
	["Updated"] = "2021-06-25T03:51:04.3225939Z"

	["AssetId"] = 0,
	["AssetTypeId"] = 0,
	["Created"] = "2021-06-25T01:41:05.2800486Z",
	["Creator"] = {["CreatorTargetId"] = 0, ["Id"] = 0},
	["IconImageAssetId"] = 0,
	["IsForSale"] = false,
	["IsLimited"] = false,
	["IsLimitedUnique"] = false,
	["IsNew"] = true,
	["IsPublicDomain"] = false,
	["MinimumMembershipLevel"] = 0,
	["Name"] = "Donation - 50",
	["PriceInRobux"] = 50,
	["ProductId"] = 1185279887,
	["ProductType"] = "Developer Product",
	["TargetId"] = 8398773,
	["Updated"] = "2021-06-25T03:50:49.9434339Z"

	["AssetId"] = 0,
	["AssetTypeId"] = 0,
	["Created"] = "2021-06-25T01:41:11.7025062Z",
	["Creator"] =  {["CreatorTargetId"] = 0, ["Id"] = 0},
	["IconImageAssetId"] = 0,
	["IsForSale"] = false,
	["IsLimited"] = false,
	["IsLimitedUnique"] = false,
	["IsNew"] = true,
	["IsPublicDomain"] = false,
	["MinimumMembershipLevel"] = 0,
	["Name"] = "Donation - 100",
	["PriceInRobux"] = 100,
	["ProductId"] = 1185279903,
	["ProductType"] = "Developer Product",
	["TargetId"] = 8398774,
	["Updated"] = "2021-06-25T03:50:56.1627175Z"

	["AssetId"] = 0,
	["AssetTypeId"] = 0,
	["Created"] = "2021-06-25T01:41:18.1191754Z",
	["Creator"] =  {["CreatorTargetId"] = 0, ["Id"] = 0},
	["IconImageAssetId"] = 0,
	["IsForSale"] = false,
	["IsLimited"] = false,
	["IsLimitedUnique"] = false,
	["IsNew"] = true,
	["IsPublicDomain"] = false,
	["MinimumMembershipLevel"] = 0,
	["Name"] = "Donation - 500",
	["PriceInRobux"] = 500,
	["ProductId"] = 1185279915,
	["ProductType"] = "Developer Product",
	["TargetId"] = 8398777,
	["Updated"] = "2021-06-25T03:51:09.015715Z"

	["AssetId"] = 0,
	["AssetTypeId"] = 0,
	["Created"] = "2021-06-25T01:41:24.9677851Z",
	["Creator"] =  {["CreatorTargetId"] = 0, ["Id"] = 0},
	["IconImageAssetId"] = 0,
	["IsForSale"] = false,
	["IsLimited"] = false,
	["IsLimitedUnique"] = false,
	["IsNew"] = true,
	["IsPublicDomain"] = false,
	["MinimumMembershipLevel"] = 0,
	["Name"] = "Donation - 1000",
	["PriceInRobux"] = 1000,
	["ProductId"] = 1185279930,
	["ProductType"] = "Developer Product",
	["TargetId"] = 8398778,
	["Updated"] = "2021-06-25T03:51:13.003072Z"

Creator ids only appear for assets, I believe.

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Ah, so that part’s normal. That much is good, at least.

Could this be an internal issue? From what I’ve seen there’s nothing I can do about this except just reupload the developer products. Which I might actually try, now that I think about it…

Do they appear to work in a real game or no, just remember Roblox just had server issues so this may be a side effect of this.

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I just checked and the same exact thing happens in real servers.

Could it be that these were made during the big Roblox server problems today.

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It could be this because I never remember this being true
[“IsNew”] = true
And then this is really weird
[“AssetTypeId”] = 0
it should be 1

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That could be it, I made them three-ish hours ago. I didn’t even realize there were any server issues today, so I thought it was something I messed up.

It could be a problem in the aftermath since it’s been about 6 hours since the outage. Guess what one of the problems was: asset delivery.

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In that case, I’ll try reuploading them now. If it was just the server outage mucking things up then this should hopefully take care of it.

June 24, 2021 1:49PM PDT
Solved issues on site

That did it! Phew, glad to be done with that. On one hand I’m annoyed that took so much time out of my day, but I’m glad it’s over.

Thanks for helping out!

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Can you please mark my post as solution so others that are having the same problem can find it.

Already did, check the page again.

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Sorry for bumping a thread that’s already resolved, but I found out more and it turns out the server outage wasn’t what was causing the problem. The actual issue was dumber.

When I created those developer products, I forgot to enter the price of the product.

Initially, this didn’t seem to be an issue, as the developer product did appear on the page and it seemed that I could just edit it again and add a price-but that’s the only part of that developer product that is functional.

Leaving the price blank will break your developer product by permanently putting it offsale. You’ll be able to get the product info, but some of the information is blank. You can prompt players to purchase it, but they can’t purchase it because the product isn’t on sale.


If you made this mistake like I did, your only solution is to create another developer product, this time not leaving the price blank. (At the time of writing) it will not warn you it is blank, you’ll have to double check yourself. Unfortunately, there is no way to delete existing developer products, so your old bugged-up products will just have to sit there in its own corrupted developer product graveyard.


I’ll see if I can figure out how to file a bug report for this later when I have time. In the meantime, just try not to make this mistake.