I write this, because I think that DevForum members’ profiles should have an addition in a form of some special tag as BC one, but should display is player a developer member.
Why would it be helpful?
I think that DevForum members are pretty more trusted, verified and with no recent bad incidents (scams etc).
It’s a decent idea, but it opens the doors to people using the tag to manipulate others. The majority of developers here are trusted, but there are still plenty of unsavory characters on the devforum who would misuse this feature.
Not everyone who opens studio is a recognised developer, I think the idea behind this badge is sort of a symbol of competence.
Anyways, imo its peculiar it doesn’t exist already. There should be a definitive, easy way to tell if someone is in the dev forum, but it also seems like a solution to a non-problem.
The direction the devforum is heading – and already has become to an extent – is a community for any developer. You’ve already seen a dramatic lax of the entry requirements as well as various programs to help developers get into the forums, and who knows how that will continue to evolve.
Being in the devforum isn’t a point of trust anymore because almost anyone can join. We can try to do our best at screening, but as we accept large amounts of users, it’s guaranteed that we’re going to start accepting a lot of bad apples as well. Since the devforum doesn’t constitute any sort of values we can expect members to uphold, a badge won’t be very useful.
I would have considered this a year or two ago but nowadays way too many people are let in to reliably say anything about someone with a dev forum badge.
The dev forums in my honest opinion is going to end up being the replacement for the old forums as a whole so seeing as how entries are becoming more and more slated and less “prestigious” a badge is going to be very misrepresentative as of this point in time.
Maybe yes, but still. DevForum is a community, which at least in a bit or more affects Roblox.
The badge could just be a prestigious way to recognise confirmed developers, who really need to stand on more strict rules (can be kicked out from the community for f.e. swearing)
Obviously, there would be more applications, but still I think that people would just reject this idea after time and it would become boring for them. Right now, I am sure that there are people who spam the Roblox DevForum for just being beta testers. What would it really change? Clever people would always notice.
Obviously we can do games and things like that. Gain reputation, get being more recognised in the Roblox community, but not everyone make games. Not everyone have that much abilities and skills to become recognised as developer, when they are.
As a mostly unknown, non direct game developer who is only really been heard of in very niche programming groups, I can say the fact that I don’t have recognition from a community doesn’t discourage me from doing what I do; it’d probably just be another thing to brag about which could bring bad intentions.
I really don’t think that anyone who gets accepted here would use it for manipulation - and if they do it’s easy to be revoked. Of course, it would be quite possible that not so well-known developers give the devforum member access to their place (to work on it) and the forum member steals it. Maybe we could solve it by doing this:
Profile reputations. We’d need to figure out how to keep bots from doing this (maybe a CAPITA when they rank the member) but the reputation would be publically visible for all users so people who have met with the user and worked on projects with them can rank the account. This way, people will be more skeptical of people more likely to scam, and more comfortable with people who don’t. This way, we can have the devforum badges, but nobody would be able to use the badge to manipulate someone.
I would like to notice that the most of roblox developer, which make serious project (spend much time on it and the game seems worth anything), have the knowledge that they can just mail Roblox about the situation - stolen assets. I think that it should be also moderated, because this is something like community standing and being fair in contacts with others. Anyways. Person can steal someone’s project even without normal tag, if he’s known. That’s pretty casual thing.
I’d be interested in it because I want to be special.
But there are a lot of reasons against it, and everybody pretty much covered those reasons above. In my opinion, the primary group functions just fine.