Why don’t they make coregui a read only service?
Don’t know, it’s very frustrating how hard it is to work with roblox’s gui
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I think rather than allowing direct read access to CoreGui, a method to get and update the boundaries of internal GUIs would probably be better. It isn’t as easy as you think to just allow access to CoreGui.
ie: GuiService:GetCoreGuiBounds() → Rect and GetCoreGuiBoundsChangedSignal (thats a mouthful).
tbh, i’ve seen the Roblox API, making a ‘GetCore(“GetTopbarOffset”)’ or something, whould be usefull sure and, it seems really easy to impoment since, THERES LITROLLY A FUNCTION IN STARTERGUI CALLED ‘RegisterSetCore’ AND ‘RegisterGetCore’ - StarterGui | Roblox API Reference
You might just be looking for GuiService:GetGuiInset()
and GuiService.TopbarInset
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