Developers, please may you give me feedback on a game I have been working on?

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I made a post here since my last posts about my game. (excluding the ones where I was first starting and had hardly any experience)

Since then, I have been working on the game in my spare time and learning lots. I now plan on advertising the game soon, and I would really appreciate your insight on the gameplay and the user-friendliness of the game.

I am also looking for testers, so if you want to help with testing, feel free!

The game Westshore is a survival / economy game that is based in a world where there is a town in a lot of open “worldliness” and with things such as jobs!

The content within the game is fully made by me, excluding the following things:

sounds, car models, some item models, GFX art and some car code.
(parts of car code I used are from Roblox car packages)
(GFX / art made by a friend icons ECT)

If you want to give me feedback or help test the game, the link is here:

(you will need to join the group to get access to join the game, but feel free to leave afterwards)


I tried the game, but there was an NPC that just wouldn’t stop killing me. He walked faster than I could and was relentless. Not fun for a start to the game.

Thanks for the feedback il make it so that the NPCs do not attack unarmed players.

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