Developing the Right Mindset: Helpful Tips for Beginner Developers


Hey, fellas beginner developers. That include advanced developers too.

I am also beginner developer, too. I just want give you some important tips or advices from what I learned from my own experience.

First, I’m going to explain about me little. I played ROBLOX since 2012 when my friend introduced me to ROBLOX. I was so amazed, learning how to build and we used to have PBS(Personal Building Server I think) The ability to build is what I really/liked enjoying making my own creations. Learned how to use Studio.

However, I really never finished making my own game. When I get bored, I make new game. I really never did focus on my game to finish it. It’s so easy to lost the interest in your own game. Because I was pretending to be Victim. Yes! I was pretending. In my own thoughts saying “Oh, that’s impossible for me to become like developer. I’m stupid, how I can do this advanced programming.”, “I’m not smart like these people”, and “I don’t know how to do it!”.

There’s many negative thoughts that you don’t realize them yet. To be honest, these are a agreements you made. That agreements you made became reality to yourself. There’s only way to break your own agreements or spells that keep pulling you down is express to yourself with love. Tell yourself how wonderful you are, how great you are, and how much love you have for yourself. Breaking your own agreements

The Victim or Your Inner Victim only exist because you have your own judgement for yourself
Truth is, you have no time being judgement for your self. Forgive yourself. Your own judgement will disappear.

I used that method. Used that method and finally, with good mindset, I was able to complete of my first draft of my game.



From this, I was able to learn a lot of how to confront the bugs and more things. Learning about programming can be really overwhelming.

FYI, It takes a lot of practices to notice your own ugly thoughts/agreements and forgiving yourself.

P.S. The agreements I talked about is from the book called “Four Agreements” Wrote by Don Miguel Ruiz. Would strongly recommend these book for good mindset.

There’s many ways to develop your own good mindset.

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Helpful Tips/Advices


Nice one! This will probably help some people.
I think also something that stops people from finishing games is getting distracted or thinking of some other cool game idea.

Very motivational! I was in the same situation before, and I just can’t believe that this actually “boosted” my mood up. Thanks!