Devforum Hall of Fame

Also, i haven’t nominated someone yet so I’d like to nominate @oTheSilver

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Thank you to those who nominated me!

I nominate some users I looked up to during my early days on the forum:


and I nominate @PipeSader simply because I remember helping them a lot

Woah what :sob::pray: we’re shipping forumers now what in the world :sob:

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glaze is so forced (how did you forget stravant tnavarts is literally stravant bro :sob:)

i’d say admired badge is the best way to measure the status since it means they actually made meaningful posts


Not shipping. Speaking facts here. I know these two love birds love each other. That’s why crazedbrick changed his display name.

we need skull emoji reactions just for this reply (joking)


Im literally eating a glazed donut help


the self glaze is crazy he even eating glazed foods


That does not look like glaze at all bro

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I am using badges as the main metric, it’s just I wanted to ask some users who they think should be added as well.

i totally wont find this on google when i look up glazed donut


Most greatest Devforum users:

Best Projects:

Worst Devforum user ever:

yea he liked mine too thats why hes nice he will like posts like a member

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Sorry, I have not saw your builds myself, only thing I saw is your posts. Will search for them tho!

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Thanks for the mentions!!!
@awry_y as for age, I’m pretty sure I’ve got anyone here beat. 55, check my profile, I’ve got kids older than most of ya.
I’m pretty sure I was on the original forums starting in about 2012.

Yeah, @Crazedbrick1 really makes me wonder what the heck is goin’ on inside that skull of theirs…
@RocketSlither I plan to be here 'til I’m dead, so Crazed has to outlast that! And no Crazed, I can’t solve any problem. I’ve seen enough posts to know what to tell the poster what term to use for the Search tool and been called out for being “unhelpful” in the post because of it!

I gotta shout out to @EgoMoose as being one of the most helpful, most descriptive people I’ve ever seen here. If you’ve ever read one of his scripts with all the helpful notations you’ll be awestruck.
@tnavarts is one of the most helpful staff who’s been on for a while. Many others have helped, but they seem to disappear off the radar.

My Stats if anyone cares:

  • 2.5k days visited (crud, thats almost 6.85 years, gawd I have no life…)
  • 50d read time (they obviously figure .5 hours of read time/day, so they haven’t met me)
  • 1d recent read time
  • 19.4k topics viewed
  • 120k posts read
  • 2.7k likes given
  • 7.5k likes received
  • 74 topics created
  • 9.3k posts created
  • 801 solutions (take that you ungrateful barbarians)

And who in the heck decided that Bookmarks Created is an actual stat?


Aww thanks.

I am just trying to be the one forummer with the most solution rate. Currently, ~ 250 days/200 isn’t bad. Might need to farm more.


I am just a silly goober. What can I say?

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I nominate @Unicornpops377Second for youngest user on the devforum.
Crap I forgot she gets notified.

I think you’re the Roblox developer dad that everyone dreamed of as a kid.

I am in no way adding Hexpdo, unless I make a wanted poster.