The Developer Forum Hall Of Fame has been continued by me and @Ebonious! (original topic here, maybe read before you reply: Devforum Hall of Fame)
I’ve created a new topic for less clutter and so we can read replies easier. If you want to nominate a developer/moderator/whoever whatever, now is the time to do it! You can suggest things to be added into the game itself if you like. Please tag them or include a link to their DevForum profile. Anyone who has gotten decidedly enough votes in total on either the old post or this one will get a statue in their respective hall.
Probably @darwin_1802. Hes part of the german developer engagment team and basically leads this catagory alone and hes the one keeping it alive for german developers. I just wish there would be more developers as this catagory is slowly dying now
Definitely hard working roblox staff and underrated in this community
What i know is hes definitely a human as he liked a comment of him being nominated in hall of fame which is cool that we still have a human moderator moderating the site
learned today that chatGPT can access the text from links, so i asked it to get anyone who had more than 2 votes on the original topic. this list wont be used, im still waiting for AVeryFancyDoctor to release the official one.
this list doesn’t seem accurate, since theres some people on here ive never even seen (if i do end up having to use this list, i will hand pick some who aren’t on it)
Heres a small list of my current people: (Sorry for all the pings :C)
Community Member - @DeveloperBugReports This is probably some alt account but theres a reason i added this account as hes really active on bug reports like 30+ replies in catalog asset bugs as a new account is actually impressive
Roblox Staff - @skpm_plz Unlike some other staff, He/She actually gives really helpful information and responds quickly to certain bug reports which i really appreciate. I hope more roblox staff would follow this format
Community Member - @VAC9 Hes a community manager at Rolimons and hes been recently reporting alot of catalog asset bugs which i am surprised how to even find. Hes the type of person who actually reports stuff to roblox instead of complaining on twitter which roblox won’t get aware of
Roblox Staff - @Hooksmith One of the Roblox engineers that interacts with the community much and gives some info which i really appreciate as hes doing it for a while
Community Member - @13_5G I need to vote for myself ofc
Roblox Staff - @darwin_1802 Sorry for the ping again and read the explaination here
Community Member - @Reditect (Previously TimeFrenzied) Been active on the community and helpful for a while now on the developer forum
Community Member - @sparkling_cola He no longer exists within the community as moderators permanently banned him after he called out a moderator. He created this topic which explained how roblox lacked some policies and not enforcing them which was helpful information in my opinion
Community Member - @bvetterdays Most active person on the devforum like actually. I can’t go to posts where i haven’t seen him. This includes bug reports and development posts which is actually impressive to be active 24/7
Community Member - @AVeryFancyDoctor Basically had this whole idea of hall of fame and was helpful and interactive in the community in the past and obviously needs a spot in this
Edit: Note that i am still editing some stuff so that’s why it might lack some info
Thanks for the nomination! I always believe that avatars are some of the purest creations on the platform and are what people truly want to express themselves to be, when you work in an area where your constantly looking at other items you start to notice the small ones that go unnoticed for years.
if anyone would like to add something memorable their nominated developer/staff member has done, please include it in your post and it will definitely be added to their statue!