DevForum Plus - A Cleaner, More Customizable Forum

Subjective at best, the devforum arguably has aged the nicest out of the entire platform. cool that you have taken a stab at changing the elements of the website for a more streamlined design. Bravo.

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Thanks, And I’d have to agree, the DevForum is quite clean compared to the website, i just wanted a redesign similar to the Creator Marketplace and Creator Dashboard, while still keeping the DevForum style.

Thanks, Glad you like it! It’s a WIP mode to hide personal info, i’ll most likely finish in the next update.

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on firefox the font is weird

is that normal

I’ll have to make a font update to fix.

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A very cheeky coloring issue probably.

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I’ll fix it in the next update.

It’s also like this on Chromium based browsers.

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Yeah, DevForum Plus Had (And Still Has) Various Color Errors I Haven’t Been Able To Find, Or Can’t Fix. Like Being Signed Out On The DevForum With DevForum Plus Breaks The Custom Theme As Being Signed Out Defaults To Light Mode.

I am back on this account, and I encountered a bug within selecting a group

With Devforum Plus:

Without Devforum Plus

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this issue has been resolved. (char)

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I am the person who posted that, but I have a question, what do you mean by “love”


do you mean “likes”?

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Yeah, that’s what roblox refers it as.

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i have a question, when it will be fixed, it look weird

could you further explain what’s wrong?

the font (char limit)

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The issue has been resolved. (char)

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You can also modify the font by toggling the “Custom Font” option.

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Lightning Speed Productions And DevForum Plus Have Been Given A Logo Refresh!

Now it has defaulted to Quicksand, and I perfer Gotham, Not sure if there is Gotham…