DevForums Keeps Logging Me Out

This is the third time today that I’ve had to log back into the forums. Anyone else getting this problem?


I just got logged out a minute ago, Roblox crashed but only logged me out of the DevForum. Was quite odd.

Getting it once a day lately.

Getting it consistently every hour or so. Quite annoying, to say the least.

I’ve had it 4 times today. It’s annoying me a bit. Because I’ve got 2fa.

Yea its never done this before besides today, happened 3 times within a couple hours, the last one being 30-45 min ago somewhere around there. Strange, since I always have it so I am logged in because I am the only one who uses this computer.

Same… It makes me refresh and then kicks me out

Seems to be happening to everyone, hopefully we’ll get an update on what the issue is soon.

Yeah, it’s been happening to me for a couple of weeks now.

Started after I logged out to update my avatar (I was going on like 3 months without ever logging out xd).

Had this twice today as well

Yeah, no clue what’s going on.

Seems to be a issue with just Roblox’s Discourse Installation, my Discourse Installation is not logging me or my users out.

It’s been happening twice a day for me lately, not sure why.

They’re not hosting it to my knowledge. Images uploaded to the site go on the discourse CDN so they’re prob buying hosting from Discourse.

Yeah, same keeps happening here.

Happened a few times to me over the last couple of days. At least it doesn’t take too long to log back in, unless your on mobile, logged out of Roblox with 2FA.

Yup, I don’t log that often, but I had to log in a lot lately.

Not that I’m too late to the party, but it seems like the log-out issue is still possibly happening. There are some posts I can’t view, just boots me back to the devforum home after saying I’ve been logged out and should refresh. :thinking:

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I’m not getting logged out, but the site seems to be going into read-only mode at random for a minute or two here and there. Did I miss an announcement?


None of the site and dns data clearing methods I’m trying are working.