DevHelp - Free expert help from top developers


What is DevHelp?

DevHelp is a way for developers to get one-on-one help from top developers around the world. You can ask any question, no matter how complicated. For example, if you’re having trouble scripting your game, need detailed feedback on your UI, or anything else, just ask!

DevHelp is currently free!

You read that right. At this time, DevHelp is a free resource for all developers. This may change later on, so stay tuned. You can always support us by joining the server and boosting.

Why use DevHelp instead of DevForum?

You’re free to use the DevForum for development help. The problem with the DevForum is a lot of more advanced queries in #help-and-feedback rarely get any replies, because they require more detailed responses and take up more time. With DevHelp, you can ask anything.

How do I use DevHelp?

All you have to do to get live expert help is join our official help server! Then just open up a ticket by sending one of our team members a DM, and we will answer your question as quickly as possible! If you’re not satisfied, you’re free to leave at any time.

Join the team
If you’d like to join the team, join the Help Server and send us a DM about what you do and why you’d like to join. We’re always looking for more talented developers, and you are certainly welcome!

Our team members
@bitsNbytez - Developer with 3+ years experience (scripting)

Join The Help Server


This is incredibly shady for the following reasons:

  1. No developers are listed. I think you should state who’s in this team before expecting anything from anyone.
  2. This reason is basically an extension of reason 1, but what are the qualifications of this ‘team’? What are their past experiences? How do you define them as “top developers”?
  3. The pricing. Why’s the time of these unspecificed developers so valuable? You’re asking for about 70 dollars worth of robux for only 10 free questions a month, as well as a reduced fee on questions which is only 70 robux. If I’m paying you that much robux, I’m expecting way more free questions and a far more reduced fee.
  4. When would this ever be valuable to anyone? No aspiring developer can dish out large amounts of robux just to get feedback from some random ‘expert’ about his builds. Anyone who falls for this guru-type course stuff clearly isn’t profiting from anything they’re making

I really love what you’ve started doing. The only thing that kinda sucks are the points that @TomskiKiller stated, which I agree with. The only improvements that would make it better would be making the pricing lower and listing developers who’re going to help and give examples of help. But amazing resource once again bits!

Let’s just not talk about why bits’s role is literally under the bot…

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This resource is now free for all developers, so make the most of it! Thank you!

(cc: @TomskiKiller, @AridFights1)


Kinda unrelated but at least try to get rid of the watermark…


Dang, you literally made that mind up so quick. Wasn’t expecting that at all :sweat_smile:

(Inviting people to the server rn (even from the RoSound server haha))
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Why not use the DevForum, its free, no limit to free/paid questions per month. It’s not that hard to write a detailed post…


First of all, there aren’t any limits for questions on DevHelp. Secondly, developers are busy. They don’t always have the time to help you out, especially if what you’re asking is really complicated.

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I didn’t re-state this. Read before you reply.

For being a top developer and knowing a lot of top developers I sure don’t know a single soul there

Smells kinda sus


If you don’t like it, you’re free to leave. It only serves as an alternative to the DevForum.

Was under the impression from the other guy’s comment that you were still charging $, since it is actually free now I guess there’s no harm done

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A suggestion, when you advertise that you have top developers on your server, listing their names would be much more believable and appealing to people reading your post.


I actually did list, right now it’s only me, but if you want to join, let me know!

I see. Unfortunately, I’m a little busy with designing and scripting a few personal projects of mine, or I’d definitely check your server out!

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I under stand what you mean here, but would it be the same on your discord? Developers are not just busy and can’t use Dev Forum, they can be busy and can’t use discord. I understand what you mean, and not trying to be mean, I am just giving constructive criticism.

But I also have a idea! I may do this myself at some point, but just incase I don’t her is the idea:

Make a website, I know very hard (it’s not that hard, if you need help look it up or even ask me). On this website, you can make a way to submit a question, then you can have a some developers go though every question and give a answer, but then what if someone else has the same problem? This is why the answer would become almost like a blog post, posting the problem, how to fix it, and making a way to ask more questions about that topic.

That may sound confusing, but let me give me a example:

Lets say our website is (not a real website).

First: Lets say that Bob goes to the website and asks a question about how to print in a script, after they submit it, they leave and will come back later.

Next: A Developer that is going though all of the questions run on to Bobs question, after looking and it, he will check if there is a answer to this question is already on the website, if there is, they will send the link to the already answer question, so when bob comes back to the website, he will be able get his answer. If the question is not already on the website, then they will fill out a quick page (like a blog) with a title, and the answer. Here is what that would look like:

How to print in a script
Printing is very simple, first you go into the script you want to print in, next, on the line you want to print on type:

Print("Text here")

Where it says “Text here”, you can add your own text.
Question by Bob, Answer by (Dev name)

Below this there will be 2 things, a way to comment, and a way to ask a question about, in this case, printing.

After this answer is made, it will be sent to bob.

Asking a question about a answer: Now that the answer is made, lets say Tim needs to know how to print, and he found the Answer, and he does what it says, and he tries to do this:

Print(""I am good at coding," Tim says.")

But, it errors? so he goes back to the Answer and asks a question about a answer, this question is sent to the same developer that answered it, he updates the answer, and sends it to Tim, here is the new answer:

How to print in a script
Printing is very simple, first you go into the script you want to print in, next, on the line you want to print on type:

Print("Text here")

Where it says “Text here”, you can add your own text.
If you want to put double quotes inside of the Print, do the following:

Print('Text here')

Question by Bob, Answer by (Dev name)

There is way more you would need to do to this website, like adding captures (for bots), and making the website look good, and adding a way to find the answers (like searching).

Now, I know it sounds, and is hard. But would be AWESOME for developers and who ever makes it, why you may ask, well, to put simply, ADS.

If you have people going around your website finding many answers, and put ads on the pages, it will make you more than enough to pay the developers, pay for the servers, pay for the domain (one time a year), and anything else. All you need to do it put some hard work and make something that is amazing.

Anyone can use this idea, it sounds like a fun, and well worth project to me, but if you don’t, it is fine, it only took me able 25 mins to write this out, My time is well worth it! :slight_smile:

I hope this helped someone, Have a great and blessed day :slight_smile:


That’s actually a pretty good idea, would definitely do this if I wasn’t so bad at backend web development.


Cool idea, kinda like other websites that exist tho, quora, sounds like devforum

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It is like DevForum, but here is the thing:

Why would there need to be an alternative? The devforum works perfectly fine, and personally I get at least 85% of my questions solved.