DevRel’s Connect Conference is Now Inspire 2024 - Cast Your Opinion!

Hey creators @Game-Jammers,

We’re thrilled to announce that our annual virtual conference has a new name. Connect has become Inspire 2024!

Inspire 2024 is an event for all Roblox creators to connect, learn and inspire each other. The event is entirely free and virtual with Roblox’s top creators’ workshops, development challenges, and networking.
Check out how Connect 2023 was.

Please, tell us what topics, events and activities you would like to see this year and whether you would like to volunteer as a speaker through this survey.

This is a great public speaking opportunity to showcase your work and inspire new creators!

Developer Engagement Team


Will definitely be taking the survey! Interested in what ideas Roblox puts forth this year.


interesting… yet you have your full name as your nickname


Really enjoyed participating last year, can’t wait to see what Inspire 2024 has to offer!


tbh surveys are addicting



I felt as though Connect 2023 wasn’t what I wanted it to be. The game jam was fun, but the event itself of video talks was hit or miss. I felt as though there were too many introduction-related things; there weren’t a lot of interaction with others for the event itself.

Having thousands of people discuss something together wouldn’t be the right solution I think. That would be complicated. But, I’d like more room to participate. Something like the level-up roundtable maybe.

Also, in Connect 2022 there was a panel by some Roblox staff behind the Talent Hub. I got to ask questions about it there, which was awesome to see/be a part of. However, in Connect 2023 when there was a panel by some Roblox staff about Moderation, there was no Q&A, which disappointed me.

I wanted to ask pressing questions about the appeals system. When or where would I have that opportunity, right? There’s not a category of this forum for feature requesting change to the appeals system and understanding it at large. The Roblox support emails aren’t the place for that. At that time there weren’t the AMAs that there are now, but I guess that is now the avenue for those kind of inquiries.


I will take the survey, interested to see what Roblox is gonna put out for this year! I attended last year and was happy how it turned out.


I would love to see a broader section on animation this year, since it is something that I think many people would be interested in learning, as is my case, I am a modeler and I would love to start learning how to animate within Roblox Studio, even using other external applications like Blender. Not only would I be interested in this, I’m sure many people who will attend Inspire 2024 agree with this. I have been attending this annual conference since its first edition in 2022, and since then I have been looking forward to each new edition with great excitement, especially this year’s, since with its new name, Inspire 2024, it will surely bring us incredible learnings for everyone. the developer community and for all those people who are beginning to be interested in the world of development.


Funny enough, in the survey I also added that I would love to see a topic that focuses on animation smoothing and intermediate levels of animation techniques too.

I hope they’ll follow through with it!


We sincerely hope that Inspire 2024 takes these suggestions into account and moves forward with implementing new themes and approaches at Inspire 2024. It will be exciting to see how it evolves and how these additions can further enrich the experience for all participants!


Definitely have some different opinions in my head so thanks for the survey!


Although the purpose of getting feedback is through surveys, comments are also another method to receive insights!

Roblox Connect 2022 and 2023 were great having many workshops where you could participate, learn how to comprehend Roblox and its game engine as well as participate in a game jam! Having the name changed also gives the perspective of inspiring from something, but could be truly improved if it was a mix between the words “Connect” and “Inspire”. For instance: “Connect Inspiration”, and “Inspire Your Connection”!

Now, I need to say that what can be truly improved is nonetheless, the THEMES. Let me explain why:

When a Roblox community event happens and it is developed for everyone to participate, the themes are always generic and the community tends to dislike it as it is such vague that the answer we get is simply “Just interpret in whatever way you think of”, which is just a bad conclusion and not the greatest idea. It should be simple and objective so everyone can understand and create during the timeline of the game jam. In the previous version, the theme was “Parallelism” and it was so confusing that I and my team didn’t understand at all the concept. This can demotivate those who are new and can’t comprehend how to find good brainstorming ideas for these types of random, vague, and odd (?) themes.


I really like this survey to be able to share experiences in Connect 23 before, thank you for your attention, roblox team


Yay I am excited gonna make sure to get a team and everything


Really cool that Roblox is coming out with annual events, I remember Connect 2023, It was really great and I learn a lot since then by building on my current skills and learning new ones along the way.


so, when exactly is it that’s my question lol?


I dissagree. In my opinion, the odd themes encourage people to be creative. The developers can make just what they imagine.
But what you think about good themes? What schould they be


Connect 23 was good, just hoping 24 has items again, I liked the glasses item.


I have a question what rules are we gonna have to follow in this year’s event ?


I kinda hate the fact the items were accessible for others

Kinda want them to be exclusive