Disable Loading GUI Completely?

Hi, how do I completely disable the UI after being invisible so taht if the player resets, it won’t appear?

What do you mean by this, it would be nice to have some screenshots of what you mean.

I have a loading gui, once it’s done, it goes invisible. The thing is if the player resets, it reappear. How do I make it so that it won’t appear after?

Set the GUI’s property “ResetOnSpawn” to false. However, this would apply to all UI elements in that GUI


Make sure the GUI is also in ReplicatedFirst and remember this when you think of placing ScreenGui’s inside of StarterGui:

You can use Destroy() when the loading is done and once the player clicks play or whatever you have. Just add it at the end of the script when the player clicks play and have the loading screen go poof