Disabled GUI and UI components indicators

As a developer it is currently too hard to see the difference between UI components that are enabled or not. This post is based of the disabled scripts post and the UI disabling button.

The same concept would go for this feature request.
When components are enabled/Visible they’ll be using their own color for the names or icons. Otherwise they are grayed out (just like when you use the UI disable button).

I know the option is there to disable the full gui but only that isn’t going to help searching through all the UI components and do, as i’d like to call, a selective search to find the right UI component that’s enabled for e.g. scaling/repositioning/etc. without the need of constantly clicking and checking every UI to see if it’s the right one.





or the alternative for Disabled/Invisible


Depending on the component’s state (Enabled/Visible or Disabled/Invisible) the name (or icon) gets grayed out. Althrough i personally prefer the names being greyed out, as it looks more professional and is easier to notice rather than grayed out icons, graying out the icon is also a valid alternative to this.

Implenting this will remove the issue of constantly searching through the UI list and clicking each UI component one by one checking if they finally found the right one.

This would help both the experienced developers that use UI components fairly often (whenever you’re struggling with searching the right Frame/Textbutton/GUI/etc. or not) and most certainly new developers whom tend to not name their UI (I’ve been there).