[Disabled, See Update] New Experiences Have Team Create Enabled

Some Beta Features that eventually become actual features will be forced on, with no way of turning them off.

An example would be much of this update:


That’s not the general purpose of my post. I said I liked the high DPI/custom icons, but the ones they made bc nobody would shut up about how “bad” the other ones were, which have a lot of colors, look horrible.

I meant to link the original post. When I right clicked the announcement, it linked yours instead.


We should all go ON STRIKE until roblox starts giving us decent updates like offline studio.
will lots of devs lose money?
yes, but it would set a precedent where we could get the updates we want

Never going to happen, Roblox will still strive, because of people who buy gamepasses and because of Roblox Premium

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I know this is cool and everything, but when roblox goes down on saturday like usual you can’t edit it while you can still edit with non team create places

Can we atleast have an option to actually delete archived places, having 200+ empty baseplates is really annoying to scroll through

Who actually thought having millions of empty baseplates in a datacenter somewhere was a good idea, because they really need to go back to school :skull:


yeah I know but it would be useful to us devs to get stuff that we actually wanted.

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That’s exactly what I said in a precedent post,

I know a lot of people rely on Roblox for income, but this may be the only way :sob:, I would really don’t want to do this but I’d it’s the only way then…

Yes but do you think that’s enough income for them? Anyway if nobody updates games/creates new knees who will play Roblox anymore?

Did you know that complaining only makes it harder for them to listen to our feedback :scream::scream::scream:

They really do read all of posts, but when people like you clutter the post with random spam, that only makes it harder.

I’m not saying it’s only you either, just 99% of others I have met.

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Well they will have more sources of income, not all developers would go on strike, when people buy gift cards they earn money. They would survive for about maybe a year then would have to file for bankruptcy

We are not “complaining”, we are giving them our feedback


Yes exactly, that’s what will make them listen to us, they will find out about taht really before that, so they’re I’ll listen to use before getting into that situation

I’m sorry but I’m not leaving because I simply do not like updates. :no_mouth:

You saying that about me? I do like updates, but when they push out an update I don’t like I will let them know

Why would it make it for them harder to listen to our feedback? I get your point but our feedback is REALLY clear, WE DONT WANT THIS

Yes, but cluttering feedback threads with:

This update sucks!!! Revert it now or I am going to leave!!!1!1!1!

… and then a 3 paragraph rant continuing will not solve anything.

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I am, but why are you coming after me? I just don’t like this update, 98% of people don’t like this update why? Well why do we need Team create enabled for us, and if they want us to have it enabled MAKE IT SO IT DOES NOT RUIN OUR GAMES EXPERINCES WHILE WE ARE WORKING WITH OUR TEAM(S)

I know and I am, but when they trow these things without taking on consideration literally who makes them get money, it makes me (and probably others) freak out

I’m sorry for getting mad, but don’t just come after us, like I said 98% developers don’t want this update, why? Well look at what everyone else has said. Pulse why even make this topic?