Disabling default controller controls

I am trying to make a simple humanoid-controlled first person VR game but I’m trying to make a custom controller, I have managed to disable movement with this script
local controls = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild(“PlayerModule”):WaitForChild(“ControlModule”)
but I have not managed to disable the right thumbstick which controls the camera by rolling and rotating it as shown below.

I have been looking for many hours on how to disable it to no luck.
Ideally it would be great if there was a way to disable ALL controller controls at once.


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Disabling controls is intended to be done through the PlayerModule itself instead of directly through finding a child module. The GetControls method exists to return the controls registered through the PlayerModule and Disable is meant to disable controls.

local playerModule = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerModule"))
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this (almost) does the exact same thing as I posted so the right thumbstick still rotates the camera which I’m trying to disable

Shouldn’t you just disable the camera module then? I’m pretty sure that the ControlModule is completely unrelated to how the Camera behaves; ControlModule is intended for controlling how a character moves, while CameraModule is responsible for the camera both by implementing camera types and by setting the inputs needed to control it as well (panning, zooming, etc).

Solved! I commented this out inside the ClassicCamera module which handles the joystick camera movement.

if self.lastUpdate then
	local gamepadRotation = self:UpdateGamepad()

	if self:ShouldUseVRRotation() then
		self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + self:GetVRRotationInput()
		-- Cap out the delta to 0.1 so we don't get some crazy things when we re-resume from
		local delta = math.min(0.1, timeDelta)

		if gamepadRotation ~= ZERO_VECTOR2 then
			self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + (gamepadRotation * delta)

		local angle = 0
		if not (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) then
			angle = angle + (self.turningLeft and -120 or 0)
			angle = angle + (self.turningRight and 120 or 0)

		if angle ~= 0 then
			self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput +  Vector2.new(math.rad(angle * delta), 0)

Is there any equivalent for camera?