Disabling Reset Button is STILL not possible on Mobile devices

The title says it all: despite being documented and reported many times, even with instances of admins assuring it will be fixed, this issue has still not been resolved. Here’s a link to a post covering the same issue.

This bug has been acknowledged by Roblox staff at least twice from what I’ve seen, both instances from over a year ago. We still have not heard an update on this bug. This is an insanely basic feature that should be a no-brainer to maintain. The introduction of ResetButtonCallback is great, but it still only works on PC. Why?

Yes, this post is regurgitating a bug report from over a year ago. But considering that one was acknowledged and then never followed up on, I feel like bumping the post would be useless. Is there any updates on this issue?

Expected behavior

When using ‘SetCore:(“ResetButtonCallback”,false)’ in a localscript, the Reset Button should be disabled no matter what device the player is playing on. Currently, it only seemingly works on desktop and laptop, but not mobile (I don’t have a console to check with but I’d imagine it doesn’t work on console either).

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It’s worth nothing that when disabling the button on mobile, it doesn’t allow you to reset, so the core functionality is there. It’s just that the button doesn’t appear disabled (greyed out) which is bad UX and could lead users into thinking their game is bugged


As far as I can tell, even though the Reset Button is not properly grayed out, it still won’t function and cause a character reset when not intended in the game. So at least in that since, it shouldn’t break anything, but I still agree will be confusing to the player. I know this was already posted, just a confirmation. :wink: