Disabling reset button on mobile is impossible

Reproduction Steps

Trying to disable the reset button on mobile is impossible. If I do

StarterGui:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false)

then I get an error that it hasn’t loaded yet.
ResetButtonCallback has not been registered by the CoreScripts

If I try

local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

local CoreCall do
	local MAX_RETRIES = 100
	function CoreCall(method, ...)
		local Result = {}
		for i = 1, MAX_RETRIES do
			Result = {pcall(StarterGui[method], StarterGui, ...)}
			if Result[1] then
		return unpack(Result)

assert(CoreCall("SetCore", "ResetButtonCallback", false))

It still does not work. Tried in ReplicatedFirst, StarterPlayerScripts and StarterCharacterScripts.

Note, this works fine on PC. However, when I play on mobile I am still able to reset.

Everywhere on the forums, the same chunk of code gets pasted

however, this solution clearly doesn’t work.

Expected Behavior

The reset button to just disable. No errors to be thrown my way. This single line of code

StarterGui:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false)

SHOULD work 100% of the time

Actual Behavior

It doesn’t disable on mobile when it should



Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly


It doesn’t work 100% of the time because the CoreScripts register SetCore functions while your localscript is running, you shouldn’t rely on a specific SetCore function to be ready to be fired ever, there is always a chance the function will register late or even never register. Taken directly from the :SetCore() documentation:

It may be necessary to make multiple calls to SetCore using pcall in case the respective CoreScript has yet to load (or if it has been disabled entirely).

I cannot reproduce this on my mobile-phone (resetting is successfully disabled)


I’ve just ran tests, apparently the reset button just doesnt reset you, which in turn just means it’s got poor UX design. On PC, the reset button is greyed out and fully disabled. On mobile, I can still click reset character as well as the confirmation prompt. It just doesn’t do anything if I confirm reset

To note, it’s always been like this. There was once a point in where this was also the case for PC.

It’s super confusing, as I’ve spent 2-3 hours on this issue, only to now realise that’s how it works. I was expecting the button to actually become disabled and thus never bothered to even try resetting

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Are there any updates on this? This has not been addressed yet as of 8/27/2023. As stated earlier, this was the intended behavior, but ever since PC has gotten the greyed out reset button it would only make sense to add it to all platforms.