I just want to thank every one of you reading this for following along in this journey, this really got me looking forward to every wednesday, again, thank you
Anyway, lets get yappin:
New NPCs
ladies and gentlemen, lets welcome:
Furniture Phil
a nice young lad who loves building
currently two furnitures from him, a shelf and a corner shelf
Now for the main star of this update: Bookkeeper Bob
Bob is a quest giver who gives out very handsome rewards, such as:
more money from customers
Upgrades discounts
and bargin size increase
now you may ask, what is bargin?
bargin is a new mechanic that allows you to squeeze more money out of your poor customer! Its very simple: when the red arrow hits the green part, you press E! it gets you mutipliers to what the customer is paying! watch out, it resets 0x once you miss
Now, our third triplet is one you may use a lot, please welcome Junkyard Joe
Joe is a junk-diver who finds junk FOR YOU, he has a daily limit, but is good when yoiu’re missing a specific junk
The game is now in public alpha testing, don’t expect a masterpiece, (report bugs plz) play now:
Junk Shop Simulator [PAT] - Roblox
see a week of hard work condensed into a few minutes (dw the game has music idk how to record it):
And as always, see you next devlog