Discord Chat Logging (Using Bots)
The issue with a lot of Discord chat logging you see on the Developer Forum is they mostly use webhooks to send the messages to Discord which is a big nono and could get your Discord account banned, but using Discord bots won’t (According to the Discord Policy). So here is a simple Roblox and Python script to send messages to Discord via bots from Roblox.
Note: Make sure to create a discord bot and have a vps(Get 100 dollars in free digitalocean credit with this link), or a replit account, or an open port to be able to host the server.
Server Installation
On your host of choice download the code via git
git clone https://github.com/Redon-Tech/Discord-Logging-System-Chat-Version-
Or download the zip.
Once you have done that create a .env file with the following info
token=[your bot token]
Then run the python file and boom your server is online.
Note: Make sure you have quart and discord.py installed
pip install quart discord.py
Roblox Installation
Download the .lua or .rbxlx file from Releases · Redon-Tech/Discord-Logging-System-Chat-Version- · GitHub
After you have done that insert the script into ServerScriptStorage then go into the script and on line 22 you will need to change
local URL = "yoursitehere"
to your site URL/IP and make sure HTTP service is enabled.
That’s all!
Edit: Make sure to up the amount of time it will send messages so you don’t end up over-using the Discord bot rate limit. (Learn more: Discord Developer Portal)
Credit to the original creator of the Roblox script: [ OPEN SOURCED ] Simple Message logging!
Credit to creators of all python scripts used.
Need Help
- Join the Redon Tech Discord Server and open a ticket
- PM Me on the forum(Slow response time)
- Comment on the topic(Slow response time)