Hey everyone!
I’m Sean.
You can contact me a few different ways: Roblox, here, Twitter, Discord: SeanPai#0001
Throughout the past few years, I have gained a good amount of experience in regards to discord server setup, moderation and management.
This guide will hopefully be all-encompassing and cover a lot of different things that I have learned and utilized over the course of my career.
So, let’s get right into it! To begin, as a developer, interacting with your community is a very important aspect that some people don’t do well. Having and running a discord server correctly is a good way to be able to interact with fans without too much of a hassle. Typical server setup takes me around 20-30 minutes.
Some helpful things you will find in the guide:
- Channels/Categories
- Rules
- Bots
- Moderators
Everything in this guide is suggested. Obviously nothing is required. Everyone has their own ways of managing servers.
All of the examples included will be from the Island Royale Discord
Channels & Categories
Channels and categories are the backbones of your server. There are a few different ways to set them up but I usually do all of mine in a similar fashion.
As you can see, we have quite a few channels. Each one serves a specific purpose and has specific permissions.
Before we get into those, let’s talk server vs. channel permissions.
Server role permissions are universal permissions for your server. Channel permissions are on a per channel basis and override the server permissions. You will want to make sure that you don’t have a crisscrossing web of permissions. The Island Royale server permissions are as follows:
Our @ everyone role has nothing that is green checked.
We use an unverified role called “Unverified”. Our unverified role has the “send messages” permission green checked.
Our verified role, “Read message history” and “send messages” are green checked. We also have this role being displayed differently from online members (this is optional).
We next have a mix of Known Developer, Friends and, Youtuber roles. These don’t carry any special permissions. At least not until we get into the channel permissions category.
The next big one is our muted role. We will talk about this later but if you use DynoBot it will automatically set up the muted role for you. The muted role can really be anywhere in your role list. However, server permissions make sure nothing is checked.
Next comes our bot permissions. I will talk about these more in depth later.
Our final big ones are Trial Moderator and Moderator. Both of these have the same permissions. Everything is green checked EXCEPT “mention everyone”, “send TTS”, “Manage webhooks, emojis, nicknames”, “change nickname, create instant invite, “manage channels,roles,server”, and the administrator permission”. Both of these are displayed separately from online members. I do have the “allow anyone to @ mention this role” turned off but you can change that if you want people to be able to ping the entire moderator role.
Finally, we have the administrator role (mine ) which has quite literally every permission. You do not need to do it like this. If you want your ‘admins’ to be able to manage the bot control panels all you need to give them is the “manage server” permission.
Now the fun part about channel permissions!
Channel permissions can be quite interesting and can get really messy really quick.
Category permissions are pretty much the same thing as Channel permissions. Adding category permissions will sync any channels in that category with those permissions unless you specify otherwise.
Let’s start off with our INFO category:
In INFO we have 3 main channels. Welcome-Rules, Announcements, Twitter. Each serves basically the same purpose and each has the same permissions. They are super simple to set up. Literally, the only thing you need for these is the @ everyone role (which should already be there when you create the channel. Now, this isn’t 100% necessary but in these main informative channels I like to red X everything but the “read messages” and “read message history” permissions and… boom! You’re done!
Next over to our “primary” channels. These ones are exactly the same as the “INFO” ones in the Island Royale server.
After that, we move down to Secondary. In secondary we have “General” and “Trusted”. “General” is the main channel where everyone can chat and have a good time. Permissions for this are super simple. For the @ everyone role we have the “Read Messages” permission X’d out and the Verified role permissions have the green check for the “Read Messages”. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, green check the “Send Messages” permission. That will bypass the muted role. For the muted role put the red X for the “Send Messages” permission.
“Trusted” is about the same. This one is for friends, known devs, youtubers, etc. For the everyone role you want to leave the “Send Messages” permission neutral and make the “Read Messages” perm the red X. Any of those special roles (friends, youtuber, etc) that you want to add just make sure to green check the “Read Messages” permission. Additionally, if you want you can allow them to have the ability to embed links and attach files.
Our Admin Channel is JUST available to the Admin role.
Our Moderator channel is JUST available to our mod role. (When creating channels you can select if you want them private or not and you can select the roles you want when making it private).
Our “Bot-stuff” role is just for our bots and mods to run commands in secret
Everything else in that “Moderation” category is just for mods/admins/bots.
Server-Logs category is for bots and mods. These I will touch on during the “Bots” section.
Game Logs are logs from the game.
Squad/Duo and Squad/Duo Channels is specific to the Island Royale discord and work in conjunction with our custom bot so I won’t touch on that at all.
And finally the verification channels. These are automatically set up by RoVer which I will talk about later.
2 Rules
I use a stock set of rules for all my servers that can be modified according to your wishes. This is the current set of rules I use for Island Royale:
Basic set of rules
Island Royale Discord Official Rules
A. First and foremost, all Roblox rules apply.
B. Not all rules are listed.
1: Swearing and/or attempting to insult or provoke others is prohibited.
2: Do not attempt to test or bypass the filter.
3: Advertising is not allowed.
4: NSFW is strictly prohibited (if you wouldn’t show it to your mother, don’t post it here).
5: Begging for Robux, or attempting to trade Robux for in-game items is forbidden.
6: Alternative accounts are not allowed.
7: English is the only language spoken and written here.
8: Disruptive behavior and controversial topics are not allowed (religion/politics).
9: Use common sense.
10: Harassing a user, lewd jokes, advertising, etc. all apply to DMs. If you feel you are being targeted by someone in the server in DMs please take a screenshot and send it to a moderator.
11: The discord staff has the final say in all moderation actions. Attempting to argue will result in harsher moderation action. In addition, not all rules are mentioned above.
In the rules above we don’t include any voice channel rules since we don’t have any public voice channels.
Below is an image of how I format my “Welcome-Rules” channel. The big lines are just code blocks.
However, if you upgrade to Dyno Premium (or use your own bot) you might want to embed the rules/info. Here is IR’s most recent welcome-rules page.
3. Bots
YAY my favorite part! Bots! Discord has hundreds upon hundreds of bots. Each serving a different purposes and each is fit to different wants and needs. There are 2, and only 2, discord bots that I always use. DynoBot and RoVer.
DynoBot can be found at dynobot.net
RoVer can be found at eryn.io/RoVer
DynoBot is used as the all-in-one bot basically. It covers moderation commands, auto-moderation, fun commands, etc.
You can also upgrade dynobot to Premium ($5/month for 1 server or $10/month for 3 servers).
At the time of writing this, the dyno staff team is getting ready to push V4 but have not yet. I will update this as appropriate when V4 goes public.
I won’t be going super in depth to dyno setup. If you really need help feel free to head over to the dyno support server.
For dyno, one of the first things you are going to want to do is to check “Make commands mod-only”. This prevents other users from using commands.
Next big thing is to add moderators. The current easiest way to do this is by going on your server and doing “?addmod Moderator”. This will add the role “Moderator” as a mod and give them the ability to use commands.
Next, you want to bind all your logs to their respective channels.
Action log to the #Action-Log channel,
Modlog to the #Mod-Log channel,
and Automod log to the #Automod-log channel. You do these on the dyno control panel.
That’s basically it for your dyno set up. Under automod settings, you can add more banned words and/or blacklist & whitelist links.
Some very useful custom commands to make/use (if you want to make these copy them EXACTLY how they are listed below:
?modmute – Modmute uses the same parameters as the regular mute command + deletes the last 50 messages from the target user ($1).
{!mute $1+} {!purge $1 50}
{dm:$1} You’ve been muted in {server} for $2 because of $3+
?report – report allows members to send in a server report of someone behaving badly. For this, you need a channel called “#Reports”
{!announce reports Channel: {channel} || REPORTER: {user} || OFFENDER: $1 || REASON: $2+} {dm} Your report regarding $1 has been filed and will be taken care of shortly. Thank you!
RoVer, made by @evaera is a VERY useful Roblox-Discord verification bot. When you first add it to your server do “!help” so it sends you a DM of all the helpful commands. You can also view these on the GitHub page. The easiest thing to set up your verification channels is to run “!createverifychannel”. Don’t forget to bind your verified role too! “!verifiedrole Verified”.
If you need help with RoVer, there is also a support server for it!
4. Moderators
Moderators can be a tricky thing and can be handled a few different ways. The easiest and most efficient way is to hire moderators via an application. This is a sample application that I use. For Island Royale we also conducted voice interviews with applicants we felt were good enough. This past round of mod applications there were just under 600 applications. We conducted 30 interviews, and 15 people made it onto the trial period.
The trial period that I have in place lasts 2 weeks and serves to confirm that all the selected moderators are able to perform their job well.
I also provide my moderators with the this moderator guide.
That is all for now! I hope this helps you. If you want to know anything else please ask me and I’ll add it!