Discord Webhook Proxy

Strange, it’s still working for me. Did you check the URL?

Yeah, I am currently using my own proxy from another devforum. I think discord is blocking most webhooks now or something.

They are not being blocked - 95% of requests succeeded in the last 24 hours.

You are likely:

  • Sending invalid data
  • Sending too much data (above the character/embed limit)
  • Banned from the proxy
  • Sending too many requests

I can trace the error for you if you send me your webhook ID (the numeric part of the webhook URL) via messages.

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Is it possible to get responses from discord through this proxy?

It will return exactly what Discord returns.

Will this change affect the proxy? [Action Needed] Sunsetting api.roblox.com

No, the proxy does not interact with Roblox’s APIs. :slight_smile:

If any changes are made to the Discord API in the future, I will update the proxy to work with it - you’ll never need to make any changes. :+1:

Does this proxy support editting messages?

When I use the ?wait=true tag, this still doesn’t return a body. When I do the same request but directly to discord, it returns the body.

Yes, the proxy does support editing messages.

This feature is not currently supported.

I am getting a Bad Request 400 Error, how come as the webhook is correct and my code is correct

local module = {}

local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Webhookk = nil

function getURLData()
	if HTTP:GetAsync(Webhookk) then
		return HTTP:GetAsync(Webhookk)

function module.Embed(Title, Desc, Webhook)
	warn(Title .. Desc .. Webhook)
	Webhookk = Webhook
	local MessageData = {
		['content'] = "-",
		['embeds'] = {
			['title'] = Title,
			['description'] = Desc,
			['color'] = 5793266,
			["footer"] = {
				--["icon_url"] = "https://t7.rbxcdn.com/860f4bd39be19546ce3cf0bfd6b1c4b0", -- optional
				["text"] = "Music System"
	local success, responseBody = pcall(getURLData)
	if success then
		local FinalData = HTTP:JSONEncode(MessageData)
		HTTP:PostAsync(Webhook, FinalData)
		warn("HTTPService is currently not enabled or you have inputted an invalid webhook. To turn on HTTPService, toggle it on inside game settings.")

return module

How can I edit a message, if I don’t receive the message id after sending a POST request?

webhooks only cans send messages and nothing else.

Webhooks can only send messages, If you want this editing messages feature you need to use bots instead.

You can edit webhook messages. It’s documented in discord’s webapi. Discord Developer Portal

sorry. I thought you meant players messages in discord

Why am I getting Bad Request (400)

My comment with my code is above by the way! :smiley:

Embeds needs to be an array of embeds, right now its just an embed dict.

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How to change it into an array exactly? (forgot lol)

You would just put the embed data inside another table, and HTTPService would transform it into a json array.

local MessageData = {
	['content'] = "-",
	['embeds'] = {
			['title'] = Title,
			['description'] = Desc,
			['color'] = 5793266,
			["footer"] = {
			--["icon_url"] = "https://t7.rbxcdn.com/860f4bd39be19546ce3cf0bfd6b1c4b0", -- optional
			["text"] = "Music System"