Display DataStore name in rate limit warning

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to track down DataStore rate limit request warnings. The warning only displays the key that is storing a queue, providing no more context whether it’s Global or a specific store name.

If Roblox was able to address this issue, the process tracking down DataStore issues would be much more stream lined.


It would be nice if we could add additional fields to logs apart from just the message.


{"message": "DataStore request was added to queue. If request queue fills, further requests will be dropped", "DataStoreKey": "12345", "DataStoreName": "DataStore", ...}

The developer console could parse it and just show the message, and show additional fields on click, and the entire log object could be provided to anything listening to game logs so they can be sent off to analytics with all fields.

Fields could differ between domains, e.g. for datastores it can attach information about the key/value/datastore, for service failures it could include a HTTP status code instead of / in addition to encoding it in the message, etc. It would make logs much easier to parse/filter/reason about.