"Display name is not appropriate for Roblox"

When display names were released, my display name was “Bacon”, and after a couple of years with this display name, I changed it because me and my friend wanted to open a samsung store in a game as a joke so I changed it to “Samsung_Worker2”, when we finished and I was then able to change my display name, it now doesn’t let me use “Bacon” again as my display name, why? Is this a bug? (I know on devforum it still says Bacon, but now my current displayname on roblox is “BaconIdk” since I wasn’t able to get my old displayname back)


This is not a bug at all. Someone who is verified on Roblox has the display name “Bacon” and hence you’re unable to change yours to it. When someone gets the verified badge, their display name becomes reserved so no one can impersonate them.

Intended behavior.


i’m sure it’s intended, but it should say so. it’s not “inappropriate” cuz who knows which funni blue checkmark boi has that name?? that’s quite annoying


Good point. The error message could be changed to be more descriptive.


I find this stupid because creators with really simple names that are held dearly to the community like “Noob” or “Bacon” should not be reserved. Maybe they should have made a more descriptive name but idk


Yeah, it’s an interesting aspect of verified badges that isn’t very talked about. Not even sure how I found out about it. Regardless, your point would be better off made into a feature request

It doesnt just apply to people with verified badges, it works for people who seem to be protected (e.g. star creators, game developers, famous figures, etc)


Hey everyone, sounds like this isn’t a bug? Do I need to send it to the team?

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No, intended behavior. You could file it as a bug for incorrect error messages being displayed though, so they can make them more descriptive

This confuses me since you are able to change your display name to the verified display name just not the username and the official Bacon account isn’t verified

But for example someone who is verified you can still use the display name:

Just not the username:


Oh, you’re right–that’s interesting. I’m not sure then; we’ll just have to wait for an engineer to clarify things. It could be that there’s a special reason why the name is reserved as mentioned here:


Entirely speculation, unless of course you have a source for that.

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Umm. Literally just attempt to set your display name to the username of any verified person. It’s not coincidence that it doesn’t let you. Why would I need a source for that? :sob:

some random guy named Jacob gets verified.

every other Jacob on roblox:

but also… if you have a verified badge, and the other guy doesn’t… … why bother doing the name-locking thing though?

In-game, if you go to the Roblox Menu it’ll show the player list, and developers should not be able to change that list if I am correct.

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Any update on this? It doesn’t seem to be intended behavior

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If there aren’t clear reasons to why this is a thing then please so, since you can rename yourself to other verified creators but not “Bacon”, pretty sure there are many but this one just being one of them.


I also just realized that the word “Apple” is censored too
Bacon doesn’t seem to be the only word

That’s false, I myself am verified under the display name “Cheese” and yet I can still name other alts as “Cheese”, If there is a name lock it’s probably when they’re very known influencers like Star Creators

Roblox’s hashtag system is not always accurate. Either someone well known has it or its just bugged out.

If you read the thread, we concluded it was usernames rather than display names that are reserved:

I’m not sure about “Bacon”, which is why we’re seeking clarification on it