Display proximity prompts based off character distance

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to modify the focusing logic of proximity prompts. Currently they activate based on the direction your camera is facing. In my use case, I want to toggle this behavior to be based off of what prompt is closest to my character.

In this example, you can see my character is closest to the driver side of the car. However the passenger sit prompt is visible instead. I want to be able to make sure the driver seat prompt is always visible if its closest to your character.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I won’t have to rewrite proximity prompts to support this behavior.


Thsi would be very useful, I also had this problem a lot of times, and if they were to actually add this it would be great!


Full support for this to be implemented. This would definitely improve my experience with proximity prompts.


Wasn’t there a priority setting already available for prompts?

There’s an exclusivity property, but that only affects if a prompt is shown even when another one that uses the same key/button is active/visible.

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