Diving into Generative AI

That’s probably what’s gonna happen sadly…


That is the whole issue.
If people dont know how to code, its certaintly not gonna help them


Exactly, and also this makes @Roblox lose money, as everything this is meant to solve can be done without an AI

Yes, by definition.

(character limit rofl)

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It won’t break Roblox, because you will still require some sort of competency to fit it together.
Think of the AI’s code as puzzle pieces… there’s no way to put the pieces together without someone behind it.

That’s not what she meant, she meant that because people that don’t know how to script will use this at their advantage, @Roblox will break

I’m in a social media “Server”, so to speak. Very often I help different novice/experienced developers with their code, but what I just too often encounter are people who have no idea what their code is or why it doesn’t work, because they used ChatGPT, it might indeed be an advantage that this AI is up-to-date.
But what I’m afraid of is that after this update / feature comes out. That there’s going to be a load of people/devs who have no idea what they’re doing and them (so to speak, on the same level as me, without putting any effort into it).

In addition, people are not going to learn anything from AI, you learn from making mistakes, not by pushing computer generated codes into your scripts.

I know what she meant… that’s exactly what I just addressed.
It’s useless having an AI to create code if it can’t be pieced together. You need someone with sufficient knowledge to do so.

You can’t go and ask ChatGPT to create you an entire game because you will still need the tools to execute any code that it spits out, it will have errors because AI is not perfect, and it will generate it in multiple parts which will need to be compiled.

Exactly my point, it’s literally useless, yes it might speed up workflow, but you could even do this without needing an AI

Yes I know, but still, because this has a lot of problems in the first place, also this could improve workflow, but you could also do that without all of this…


I’m not too sure why you are so against this. Worst comes to worst, there’s a few more low quality games on the front page. Saying this is useless is an outright lie and I’m sure hundreds, if not thousands of developers will positively benefit from this addition. You also seem to be making assumptions against this claiming that it already has a lot of problems, despite there being little to no information on it.

AI is an unavoidable fate for the future. Humans have constantly looked for ways to do less work and automate everything. It was only a matter of time before this started happening.

Hat about the rest of @Roblox?

And I’m sure thousands, if not millions of little kids will make low-effort Games with this addition, and all of those will not learn anything from it as @BobbieTrooper and I said

What about the other AIs, they tell you a lot about this

It is

But why are we trying to do this is my question

The people who want to learn will learn, and the people who don’t want to learn won’t. People want automation because they simply don’t want to do work.

I guess it depends on the way you look at it, but from a logical standpoint, everyone wins here. The lazy get what they want by not having to work, and the people who want to learn can use this as an aid in learning.

Yes, and this is and, people should work instead of wanting to be in their house 24/7 playing some video games instead of doing what they should be supposed to

Meaning more low-effort Games overwhelming @Roblox

Kind of, if you are trying to read a code with something you don’t know what does what it’s hard to understand

Not sure if you understood what I previously said… you cannot create a game with AI. You can create parts of a game (which will most likely be pretty broken), but you will need to understand how to piece the parts together, which is a massive barrier to entry for non-programmers.

Give someone who only speaks English a book written in German. They don’t understand it.
Give a non-programmer some broken code. They don’t understand it.

What about obbies? I can simply ask:
“Make a killbrick, disappearing platform etc.”
I move them with the move tool and I’m done, I have my obby

Also as already said @Roblox will update this 100%, meaning what you see now is not the final result

My point is, low-effort games will exist no matter what.

Maybe you can, but it’s still very strict.

You have no information on it. You don’t know if it will be “way more advanced” or not.

Yes but this will make more low-effort Games be created

It’ll probably be

It won’t be anytime soon. As I’ve said somewhere before (too lazy to quote myself right now), current AI is not as good as people think. ChatGPT is only a fancy auto-complete. It can be confidently wrong and often is. It currently can barely write correct code as it is (it can write working code, but not “correct” code). I don’t see how it could possibly write anything more complicated, or edit existing code with existing systems. The video shown isn’t what the AI can currently do, it’s a demonstration of what Roblox wants it to do eventually.

Although this isn’t to say that AI won’t get there eventually. It’s also not to say that AI doesn’t have uses, because it does. I just believe that people are overestimating AI currently. Go ahead and try to make a game with only ChatGPT, especially if you haven’t learned how to script yet. ChatGPT can give you a rough idea of how to code a basic self-contained system (that is, if it’s not confidently wrong like it often is), but that’s about as far as it goes currently.

There are other uses as well, of which I have mentioned here:

Yes but for the uses they want it to do you can do them with cheaper methods, you don’t need an AI for those things

These do not constitute a full game…

This update isn’t going to change anything. There are always going to be low effort games. AI coding will not make it any easier for people to create games, because it is not good enough and won’t be for a long time. You seem to be against this change without any knowledge about it.

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