Diving into Generative AI

But they can create one

It will, that’s exactly what it’s made for

Exactly what I mean

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They can create one either way. Being able to make a kill brick and disappearing platform won’t kill development.

Yes, it will, but that’s not bad, and it won’t replace anyone except those whose highest skills are kill bricks and disappearing platforms. (And, yes, I’m abusing your example for this argument.)

New take, I’ve been looking around and don’t think this will steal any jobs. It’s just for doing small helpful stuff. I won’t be using it still, I like to use my brain, it’s an excellent way to learn. Until it has the ability to make an entire game instead of just small code for projects I’m okay with it.

Wait that I meant every piece of what makes an bony, that’s what the etc. was for

But it is, if you make something too easy then it’s not fun anymore (and like this is already very very easy) and everything this AI can do and is meant to do can be down even without this AI:

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This isn’t going to allow developers to code games any better or faster. This is essentially a slightly improved version of getting free model scripts. Only improved in that if the free model doesn’t exist, the AI is good enough to write simple code most of the time. That and there’s no risk of “viruses” (even though anyone an ounce of coding knowledge would be able to easily identify them).

The part I’m worried about is people coming to the dev forum to ask why their AI generated script doesn’t work properly, instead of them actually learning how to script (which is really easy to learn if you’re not lazy).

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This is a great update! Throughout history jobs have been taken away, but it is for the greater good. Like the printing press, there was no need for scribes any more. This is just human evolution. It will make our lives easier in the long term. Also, right now, AI is not at the level of very experienced scripters. AI is just competition, people wanting very high quality and more efficient scripts will hire scripters. This is just like how Dall E had not taken jobs. It doesn’t have the quality and level of customization as hiring an artist.


Isn’t this exactly why they created it?

Yes but if they keep updating it then it’s not gonna be this anymore

Also another problem of this new AI

I’ve gotta be honest, I don’t see it getting that much better any time soon. But who knows, I’ve been wrong before.

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Exactly, it’s what I’m trying to say in this whole post and the Private Discussion, it will not any time soon, but they’re I’ll update it and it will always get better and better

Solution — don’t make something too easy.

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The solution you just said — Stop with this AI project

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When will it be released to the public?


This isn’t a real thing right now. That video was just a demo of what it could be like. But you can try it right now with ChatGPT from OpenAI. Just ask it to write a Roblox script for you, for whatever you want it to do.

However, I suggest learning how to script instead as the AI can often be confidentially incorrect or do things inefficiently. It also becomes a bit of a “black box” if you have no idea what your AI generated code is even doing. Scripting in Roblox is way easier than people think. AI really isn’t needed at all.

Even if they don’t use it for scripting I’d like AI generated materials

Then why are they even trying to create this AI?

Ah yes, I got a bit too involved with the scripting-related arguments here. AI generated materials are much more realistic as AI can already generate 3D models with AI generated textures/materials.

This is much more harmful to that side of development, however it’s also quite resource intensive. I also doubt the models are made in such a way that would make them nicely riggable, but perhaps AI can train in a way that would allow it to do so.

As I discussed before on this thread (in post #315), there are other uses to this AI other than writing code. Aside from AI generated assets, I mentioned wanting the AI to be usable within scripts so that I could, for example, have an NPC respond to chat with natural language, or have an AI generated story occur live during runtime.

Yes but why are we trying to do this? There’s still people that rely on that to live

That’s probably the only thing that would take too much time that AI can be useful m

Also how was it post #315 if there’s only 219 posts?

I’m still really not sure of the ethics of this. But I do know that it’s not going to replace humans anytime soon. Even in what it’s best at, it’s still lacking in many areas (which is good). AI is not magic and there’s a limit to how far it can go without an improvement in overall technology.

AI can already do this, so this is no issue at all.

Because posts can be deleted, the message ID will not change. If you scroll down to this post that I’ve just written, the link at the top will end with /375 where as yours was /374.

Its the quintillionth time I say this, it’s not anytime soon, so it will in the future