Diving into Generative AI

I think that you missed the point I was making entirely. When I say “AI for powering imagination”, By no means am I coming here asking roblox to create their own ChatGPT as It’s absurd to think that they would put the resources into such a thing.

What I AM trying to say is that giving more tools to work in CREATING AI. More specifically for Dialogues, NPC interaction and maybe even enemy AI? There are libraries on the platform that do put some general idea but it will never be as optimized as what roblox can release as they literally develop the platform.


You’re right, but if it instead of giving you an enemy AI without anything then you don’t learn, instead if it would teach you to make an enemy AI it would be better, so you know how to do that, got my point now?

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Change happens slowly. Your skillset in 20 years will be different than your skillset now.

Mail Marketers adapted to be Digital Marketers, as one example.


I just have a small question, where does the AI learn from, exactly? Does it learn from games already made? Is our work used to teach the AI how to replicate it? Can the AI copy the style and system of another game? (For example, “Princess prom skirt royale high style” or “scary monster doors green”)


That’s not something you can prevent without taking away some common aspects of Roblox’s development experience, such as the toolbox and the freedom of publishing a game whenever you feel like it.

It’s true however that some studios overdo what you criticized, but what can we do? Younger audiences don’t focus on quality, these type of developers have no reason to try harder when their target demographic doesn’t care.

That has already happened with way more back breaking jobs, we shouldn’t be surprised about such possibility, all recent decades have stepped up the game by great amounts.

The concept of “forever your job” is long gone.

  1. If I’m already majoring in Machine Learning, I’m pretty sure I don’t need roblox to teach me.
  2. I’m not asking roblox to hand me an AI on a silver platter, You still don’t understand. I’m talking about roblox providing the tools to make AI, end of sentence.

You keep seeing it as “Roblox!!! Please give me a code snippet for an enemy ai for my game!!” which is NOT the case. I even stated examples for what I mean by that.

So no, I do not get your point.


essentially? depends on the type of the AI. It can learn scripting and in some way, Provide scripts. It also can study the style of royale high clothing and then replicate it. However, Those are not the same AI. Completly different algorithms. I can explain to you in private if you’re really interested.


From my understanding one algorithm uses input and gives an answer, the other looks at an object or something like that and understands it


I think people with skills will still stand out. This is a tool that will help everybody, even the ones without skills, to make interesting games and that’s the whole point. The thing is that there are nice games in the platform and that everybody can do them. People with skills will save time and make it even better, in my opinion. It can be used even to learn to code so not that bad!

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I’m here for it.

I could throw together murder mystery in a day, but it wouldn’t get on the front page.

It’s basically the equivalent of block code (but there is always the block you want). People will still very probably need to learn key programming concepts + logic, because the AI likely won’t be able to make those decisions for them.

I’d estimate AI won’t be here for at least a decade. Roblox is likely to source this from somewhere else or modify an existing model. It won’t be anything revolutionary. OpenAI already has something similar but for javascript, and it’s really not anything special (it needs very specific instructions to work well, and constant bug fixing).

I would recommend trying Codex here to get some perspective of what this will be:

ChatGPT can’t be used to create AI models.

Because it can’t make anything for you, and to work with it it will likely be very very useful to know Lua. This also isn’t advertised to make models, maybe in the future they’ll add that. Even if they did, actually going into blender and painstakingly creating a model is the least fun part of modeling (creating the idea is the fun part IMO).


Seems like this is for investors on the business side (and clout on the engineer side) and I’m here for it :happy3:

It would be very fun to try this out! The material creator seems interesting and I would love an AI model specifically made for Luau code.

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May not be the best idea to put an ai in roblox. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


No, this is not a bad update. Here’s the reasons why people think it is:

  • It will put developers out of jobs.
  • It will make developers lazy.
  • It’s going to lower game quality.

Now, let me tell you why each one of these reasons is invalid.

  • Developers will not be put out of jobs for several reasons:
  1. Developers will always need to maintain their current work, and because of the limitation of the AI’s understanding to determine the state of the work and the updates that need to be done, we cannot expect this to happen any time soon.
  2. AI cannot properly design a game. You need to come up with the ideas yourself.
  3. The system the AI makes usually always needs to be manually improved.
  • Developers will not become lazy for several reasons. The first reason is that AI cannot perform certain types of jobs, such as 3D modeling, game design, or scripting yet. AI also will have trouble understanding the context of systems that need to be updated. The developer will need to update these systems manually. Last of all, the AI will probably always need some sort of manual effort put into the work as well to make it perfect.

  • Sure, game quality might be lowered, but as the AI improves game quality will go up. Additionally, many low-quality games don’t see light on the front page.

Here’s why the update is good:

  • On average, an addition to Studio and the features it provides us with is an improvement.

  • This tool has a purpose.

  • The downsides don’t have as much weight to them as the greater good.

  • It will encourage more users to join the platform, which is not only good for Roblox’s market-share, but also the developer exchange program, funds for better services, more overall concurrent users on games, etc.

However, we need to realize that the downsides that I mentioned earlier will seemingly become more and more relevant as time goes by. They aren’t relevant now, though. Only new developers will be affected, not us, who have already designed a whole game framework and designed the game, and who are experienced with the platform. Here’s a few potential downsides I see in the long run:

  • More developers will come to the platform. That means MORE #help-and-feedback and stuff like that, and the more there is, the more we won’t be able to find and solve.
  • More people will use tools like ChatGPT for stuff like schoolwork, which is bad in general. This is because they cannot learn from it.
  • More community, more issues. It might get to the point where people are trying to break into the Roblox HQ.
  • The more developers, the more games there is on the platform. Because of this, there will be more competition for advertisements. However, when more players join, this will be balanced out. I’m not sure which one will be more.

Do you think that it matters to them? They’ll at least update the game.

Of course. Should we be worried about the present or the future, though?

Yes, but that’s not an addition. Removal of features is not usually a good update.

The removal here is the ability to use studio without team create. This update is only
adding features, which I don’t mind.

True, but I’m saying it’s better than it is bad. I’m neutral to this topic.

I haven’t stated this, but people are very unlikely to do this because of this update, but it will likely be because of a removal of a feature in a later update.

I feel like this post is trying to prove me wrong in some way, but it also seems to be opinionated as well. The question is, is this update good or bad? Also, when is it going to be as good as it gets, and when is it going to be as bad as it gets?

This post does not clearly answer any of those questions.

Edit (May 1): The “On another topic” topic is a private discussion. I might be able to invite some people but it’s quite dead now.


I don’t think you know the game that’s been causing this. It’s a simplified, addictive game, not a low quality one.

It’s because it was likely an important decision. Is this one important? Do we even have a choice?

No, because that’s also a removal. Since the delete key is already bound to deleting an instance in explorer, they would need to make this a toggleable feature.

That’s what I’m thinking, in the end of my post.

We don’t need that though. I don’t expect it to happen in this update.

It seems like you are disliking the update with a passion. Keep in mind that it won’t affect you as long as you don’t practice it. If Roblox doesn’t do this, then a plugin developer will.

Also, you should take note that people are disagreeing with this being a good update because of the current stereotypes of ChatGPT users. That shouldn’t affect your mindset here.

So, who are you really defending? You, others, or all developers? My bet is that it’s the third.

Keep in mind that I’m neutral on this topic because I have no idea on what’s going to happen on release.

I felt I didn’t need to ask them because the answers were relevant to the larger picture.


What’s wrong with that? I’m sorry but you can’t hold back progress. I know it’s hard to accept change, but times evolve and workflows become different. The only problem I have is if this feature becomes prioritized over things that we’ve been asking for years. Though it’s important to remember it won’t instantly replace all scripters, the AI is gonna take some time to actually be viable.


Since when is stable diffusion limited to py? :alien::alien:


It’s cute how the less skill someone has the more fearful they are that AI will take their job. :robot:


No way this is still going on, @Dede_4242 for the love of I don’t even know what. You are almost a 1/4 of the entire comment section at this point. You haven’t really contributed much to the discussion since your 5th post. Please take this somewhere else and stop arguing with each person that says their opinion. This is borderline spam at this point (in my opinion)

edit: and do us all a favour and don’t reply to this message. You want to complain about AI? go open a discussion about it.


The moment you realize almost 25% of the responses to this topic are from one person.

Screenshot 2023-02-25 at 4.47.18 PM