Diving into Generative AI

He’s like the amount of ads on the average modern day youtube video.


I have no opinion on AI Scripting but AI materials is a blessing. Especially because it’ll come with PBR support. Couldn’t ask for something better.

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I don’t want to be dismissive you, I understand where your coming from. When I first learnt about chatgpt3 it made me pretty scared. Gamedev has been one of my primary hobbies for the past 5 years and it was almost depressing to think that people could create what I could in days in the future. Though after sometime I started trying chatgpt3 for myself. (I haven’t got it to work for programming yet). But it has been immensely useful in answering my questions, helping me write better, ect. Just imagine what we could do with this technology fully integrated into roblox.

I think your forgetting that this technology isn’t just for “them”, it’s available for you to use to. Remember packman originally took a year to make now we can make it in hours. Your tools will evolve and so will you. Regardless if roblox makes this, ai could still be utilized for roblox(though less seamless with roblox workflow).

When you make a game now your not learning low level rendering libraries, or any of the low level stuff a modern engine provides you with. Just like that in the future, people won’t need to learn the specific details of what they want to program. Think of it as an other abstraction. Your to attached to a tool. If you don’t want to use this technology that’s fine, but keep in mind others will find it useful.

Since the industrial revolution and before jobs have been being replaced… The lifestyle we have today is only possible with the automation we have been achieving. Yes I agree this time the automation ai provides could be much more dramatic, but you can’t stop it. Companies are already utilizing it and will continue to. Yes, we have have problems such as jobs being replaced and we to figure out effective solutions for this new future. But roblox is hardly the forefront of this problem like your making it to be.

Yes I agree progress can be dangerous, but are you really going to compare antimatter production to AI on roblox.

You know what actually is unsettling to me? Not people using AI to create games they want. Roblox or other platforms starting to use AI to completely generate unique games replacing the human need entirely, thats the future that scares me. But also it’s important to remember, that even though machines can create thousands of pottery pieces in hours there is still a market for human made pottery. The same might be true of games


Dark said ChatGPT could make AIs, I said it couldn’t. It’s not because of restrictions, that type of model fundamentally can’t make AI. It could write code to train AI models and it could generate data sets, but it would honestly just be easier to make those yourself.

This really isn’t true. Also there is more data on JavaScript than Lua and OpenAI have more experience and probably funding to creating AI models.

This probably won’t happen in the short term (next few years).

Dragging points on a screen is boring to me :doh:. AI models do the simple time consuming parts of modeling and allow people to make whatever they imagine, why gatekeep that?

In the demo they have, the user has to write out what the code should do in a line in plane english. I was saying that’s like block code: you still need to create the logic but there isn’t complicated syntax.

I don’t think you understand how AI work … there is no source code, it’s just parameters. The AI also wouldn’t have it’s own parameters encoded in it’s parameters, that’s not really possible (think trying to put two idential boxes into each other).

A calculator is a great parallel to AI. Why learn to do mental math when you can just use a calculator to do it faster? Calculators have enabled people to take math further, because the basic stuff is abstracted out.


In my opinion, if you are relying on Roblox as a source of income, and your job is just replaced, there’s obviously going to be something the AI cannot do which you can. One example is modelling.

I unfortunately cannot understand due to the sheer number of typos in this post.

My personal opinion is the advantage of tools in the studio is always a good improvement. This is just another tool, what makes it so special in your opinion?

Ah, the ability to duplicate itself. Software 2.0 is what we can call AI at this point. Software 2.0 can write Software 1.0 code, which is what we commonly see with ChatGPT at the moment.

However, creating a model like that is tough, and we should be grateful Roblox is even trying to accomplish something like this. I should know, because I created a reinforcement learning model before, and it was tough. Supervised learning would be much easier.

it doesn’t get those data points.

Like I said 2 times before, this is an additive feature, not a removal. They can effectively disable it or not use it.

It solves a very general problem. The problem of implementation. An example of poor implementation is that one game that always gets hacked and contains a false-positive anti exploit.

So, to take away from all your posts, you’re saying AI is bad. However, it’s not as bad as you think it is. There’s a reason why many disagree with you. It’s because it’s basically just another tool us developers get to use. How fun! Maybe it’ll be in the plugins tab? Or maybe the home tab? Will it even be a button? Who knows! We haven’t gotten that far yet!

However, when we do, and something goes horribly wrong, we can always be assured that we can say you were right all along.

Note: messages that say “On Another Topic” are split messages


it still uses ai to interpret what you are saying/describing so the name is fine this way.

Yeah, but that’s just syntax. It won’t know the proper logic or any mistakes the person makes in the prompt.

The end result motivates them to learn. Us experienced developers only want what gets us ahead.

New developers now have the choice.

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I think we all, including myself fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Our reaction to this is the same reaction artist had when Stable Diffusion came out. Life, in itself, is short-lived and if we are truly a cognitive species, then developing something that can do the “tedious” task for us shouldn’t be viewed so negatively.

Why waste time writing 1000s of lines of code? The ultimate goal is to produce something. If we have the convenience to focus on the actual production, we unlock more brain power for creativity and the end-result of the production rather than the tedious aspects of coding. In the future, humans will look back at this time we are living in now as primitive.

Creation with A.I. will be a thing. Knowing the right prompts will be valuable for great results. Some people and companies will gatekeep the “meta” prompts/recipes for a certain result. But ultimately, it won’t be so much about learning different languages. Anybody will be able to use A.I. Gen “things” that would have required prior learned knowledge. BUT if you really want to push it to the max, knowing the languages will still be key and the only way to direct the A.I. for greater results.

AAA game companies are known to spend 8+ years making one game. I imagine the time will be reduced and the scope of games will be even larger than today. This is just games. Imagine A.I. can physically build buildings and all an architect has to do is enter the prompts in a way to generate said result? Sure, anyone who owns a home would use it to build. But an experienced user will know or learn how to use it more professionally in a way to get results different than others. (Gate keeping prompts that aren’t so obvious or hard to figure).

We are literally living in the beginning stages of pubic-use A.I. on this level. Adapting to A.I. tools is completely optional right now but in the future it might become standard.


I’ll just say something, if something becomes too easy than why are you even trying to do it? If you are trying to make building easier than why would you even build? If it becomes so easy that you are able to build a skyscraper in 10 hours than what’s the fun of doing it? The same with Developing, it isn’t fun if it’s too easy…

Roblox Studio is an easy tool to make games. It’s a convenience game-developers didn’t have decades ago. All they had was a text pad and a compiler. There was no play button to quickly test the code they written-up and no debugger to tell you what exactly is wrong.

They had to learn and I’m sure once tools came around it was the same reaction because they felt robbed of all their hard learned knowledge but fail to see that the tool will increase your workflow to help you get better results in less time because you already have knowledge. Sure, people who are new can pick this up and make “something” right away, but an experienced developer will learn how to be well-versed in using the A.I with their prior knowledge and will generate better results because of the understanding.

Everything we use in life today is a convenience made to make life easier. Like I said, life is short-lived. Why spend all that time doing tedious task when you could be spending more of it focusing on creation? The standard things all games require will be expected from this A.I. but knowing how to fully utilize the A.I. to create something unique takes knowledge. Some systems are too big and in depth and require you to know how to piece it together in order to direct the A.I. step-by-step to get the final result. That’s what you fail to see. It will still take work for stuff like that, but it won’t be nearly as time consuming.

Since you mention a skyscraper, think of how much more fun it would be to focus on the details of that skyscraper rather than insert some 3d shape and using hotkeys and the mouse to manipulate it over-time to produce the shape you imagined? Sure it feels rewarding to do it manually but even cars are automatic these days. I’m sure manual drivers felt good about shifting gears and not letting the car do it. But in the end, the result is the same. The car shifts the gear, and you are able to focus on driving rather than being in the right gear.

But even then, we will have the capacity to focus on more than just one skyscraper, we will be able to envision entire cities. Our minds are too focused on one “singular thing” instead of the bigger picture. If you get my drift.


Imagine this AI building an “A highly-unknown, surveillance area in earth that humans are not aware of”, sounds fun.


I like the idea of being able to say “create a bouncy tween of part to the position of part2” but I’m not sure what I feel of “move part to part2 smoothly and bounce at the end”. I feel like if this becomes too accessible the developers that already exist will have a hard time monetizing their game when there’s so many different games to choose from.

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This is amazing. I can’t wait to see the sorts of games that become possible.

I know AI is very contentious and there are plenty of arguments against it, but I don’t see ROBLOX surviving without it. These kinds of generative programs are very clearly the future of tech and development, and if ROBLOX doesn’t implement them, a competitor will. I also don’t see programming or modeling expertise going away any time soon. This kind of AI is great at getting a foundation laid, but there will almost certainly always need to be human input at some point after the initial stage too - these things aren’t infallible and often make mistakes. But they will significantly speed up the development process and lower the skill floor for making decent-quality games, both of which I see as great things.

An aside to those who are scared by the potential for job loss and skill loss: those are arguments that have been made in nearly every field of development for the entire history of the world. You can find accounts of people opposing sewing machines for very similar reasons. There will be lost job opportunities. There will be cheap copies. But both of those things already happen now and will keep happening regardless of this. And who knows, it might actually make it easier to get a job in the field with less skill required. Sure it’s not great to have to set aside a skill you’ve honed and replace it, but that’s the reality of the world. Tools change and evolve all the time. I can only see benefits for choosing to change and evolve with them instead of opposing them.

On a lighter note, are there any plans to train it at all when it comes to optimizing stuff and choosing what methods to use to achieve a given result?

Not only is this update completely useless it will also result in people receiving less commissions because they can just type what they want and it gets instantly made. AI is not relailable. Instead of making completely useless updates like this focus on the important things such as your flawd moderation system, very buggy and unfinished iOS and Andriod app, unfinished roblox desktop app, weekly outages and the list goes on.

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Will these AI pipelines be made accessible via API? Allowing plugin developers to hook into this could be very useful for accelerating creation.

Also, if you’d like to incentivize such innovative tooling…

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You do have a point in that you do learn to debug your code and find errors when there are bugs, However, I mostly mean the basic issues that occur very often due to bad implementation/design overall, Those are the worst for me to deal with.

Job replacement is terrifying to worry about, However, It’s mostly because those jobs are no-longer necessary as a result of new and evolving methods for said tasks.

The basic coding is important to do yourself but not when you’ve already done it several times over.
(another use would be quickly importing services instead of having to type out the 4 or so services I need for my different scripts typically)

The tedious parts of development are a major part but they get infuriating to deal with when you want to get straight to the point.

Thank you for reading my original reply and responding. :slight_smile:


I haven’t read every reply to this thread, and I’m quite late to the party on this one, so I may be repeating what people are saying- nonetheless I would like to voice an opinion; even if it’s just to an echo chamber.

Is anyone else sick of hearing about artificial intelligence? Is this something ROBLOX needs? Absolutely not. Is this something that is going to require a lot of work, absolutely.

So why is this a priority right now? From what I’ve seen about artificial intelligence, this is at best going to be a helpful tool. It won’t eliminate the need for efficient developers in their respective field, and this is going to be a hinderance on things that the platform actually needs.

It’s apparent ROBLOX is pushing a lot of updates, and the track record thus far with ROBLOX’s updates, is that anything large scale tends to be extremely buggy, and rather then fixing those bugs, they continue to push more and more.

Small scale updates and fixes are fine for ROBLOX, but major changes like this just effectively kills the ecosystem due to the inconsistency and problems relating them. Look at the creator hub for example, it’s honestly horrible for many reasons, and was a completely redundant change.

When will issues with smooth terrain be resolved/implemented?
Reference one, reference two

When will issues with down time be addressed or fixed?
The fact that half the time you go to the creator hub, or home page, it’s completely unresponsive or down entirely, is a blatant state that ROBLOX is truly underprepared for the traffic they’re recieving. Every week there are numerous hours of down time.
Reference one- I don’t know that there has ever been a time where there was no reported down time.

When will issues with the creator hub being down / unresponsive be fixed?
As I write this, no experiences are showing on the creator hub, etc…

When will issues with streaming enabled be fixed?
Reference one,

When will issues with DataStore and API usages be atleast improved?
The fact that creators need to use services like ProfileService to manage the ton of errors with DataStore API is a joke. And let’s be honest, we all ROBLOX has extremely bad chat service (or filtering) delay / downtimes.
Reference one, reference two

When will issues with the new docking system for studio be fixed / improved?
Reference one, reference two, reference three, reference four

When will any of these issues be resolved?
Blue spinning loading cursor consistently getting stuck when play testing
Studio freezes (not responding) for a long time while publishing game
Roblox Studio Failing to Launch
ViewportFrame gets brighter as the camera gets further away
Constant Crashing - Cannot Access Studio


I went a bit off topic with this post, and I am more then aware that this will be completely ignored. But the reality is, ROBLOX is extremely unstable on numerous fronts, to a point where it’s very demotivating.

I don’t understand why these new systems are being brought on when ROBLOX’s current systems are nearing a point of complete unreliability. Can we get some love for the thing’s already added, this is a billion dollar company, yet every weekend we are getting useless updates like these, and yet there are hours of downtime and unusability. This overall just seems like a poor excuse for ROBLOX to jump on the artificial intelligence bandwagon going around right now.

Anyways, thanks for my ted talk.


Most low-effort games you see (“cart-ride” games) probably do have viruses, you realize.

It can be advanced and still have restrictions. ChatGPT is pretty advanced, and it has many restrictions. I’m pretty sure you can’t tell it to have a character insult another in a story (which, in my honest opinion, is quite unreal).

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This thing need to be removed!!!this thing will destroy developer!!! and its no longer “powering imagination” its “typing imagination”


Big imagination on roblox :+1: