DMCA regarding scripts

Hello everyone, I’m dealing with a tricky situation at the moment… I was wondering, how does one go about DMCA ‘ing script IP. Is there something that I should be providing when sending in the request? How do I prove that it’s my code?

Any feedback will help, looking forward to seeing them. :slightly_smiling_face:


Could you elaborate on what this means? Like, DCMA a script’s IP? Or a script that does something with an IP?

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I think he is referring to Intellectual Property, but i’m not sure.

No I meant the scripts themselves. Is it possible for a programmer to DMCA scripts from a game? And if so how does one prove it’s theirs?

I believe you could, since it’s technically a form of intellectual property. Read this page because I think it’ll give an overview of what you could do maybe: DMCA Guidelines | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

It is really hard to prove that this is your code, however, there is something you might be able to do. Let’s assume that both games are published, they would each have different dates. If you believe the code is yours, and you published said game first, then you can show them place, direct them to the exact script, and then give them a link to the person you believe stole your asset. Because Roblox can look at the game’s code, they can investigate and possibly take the game down for stolen assets.

If you didn’t publish the game, or are not first, then I’m not sure how you can submit proof. You could try giving them the code and pray that a moderator will look into, else, you might have to deal with this.

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  1. Were you previously working with the person who now has the scripts?

  2. Did the person who now has the scripts get them through TC access

  3. Did you license the scripts?

Sorry to hear you’re dealing with this. I assume this would fall under a similar category to game theft, with Roblox mods going in and verifying the claim. You may want to check this recent thread on stolen games.

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