Okay so, let’s say you make a GUI for your game so people can remove and re-add things to the game that are just there for detail… this would be done so people such as myself who have PC’s from 2008 could actually play those types of games. With this, the way they remove the items is by removing it from workspace and how they re-add the said item is by cloning the model in Replicated Storage and moving that clone to the Workspace.
I’ve been told that doing this will cause lag to your game as your Client can see everything that’s inside of the Replicated Storage, although it may not render… it’s still visible on the Client side.
There are no solutions as this is something I’ve been trying to properly figure out for the past six months.
I’ll list what I’ve looked over.
This will not cause any significant lag so don’t worry about it. The contents of replicated storage do need to be downloaded by the client but that shouldn’t affect gameplay otherwise.
Why would they be there? Do they need to be? The contents of ServerStorage are inaccessible to clients therefore the client would not download anything from there.
The reason would be to make a Delag System, this is where you can remove them from the Client side but you also need to be able to bring them back through Replicated Storage as you can’t talk to the ServerStorage through the Client.