Do you think I will get into UGC with these concepts?

Greetings everyone! I’m wondering If I’m going to make It Into the UGC Program with my Formale UGC Concepts. So do you think I’m going to make It In with my Formale UGC Concepts or not? As well Formale Is a Homestore/Clothing Group and soon-to-be Brand like Gucci.

Also, what do you think about my Formale UGC Concepts? Will I make It In with them? Will people wear them and etc? What do you think?

I hope to hear some feedback from you guys!



In my opinion your UGC concept was pretty dope I think there is a chance that you are able to get in to the program but I think most girls will wear those and I don’t think guys will wear it actually, by the way I like the concept keep up the good work :+1: :+1:

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Those are Amazing but, add some more work to your portfolio, that will increase your chance in getting into UGC

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Thanks! I plan to make more UGC Concepts with my Formale Executive Team In the mean wild I wait to be accepted Into UGC. We have pretty amazing Ideas and everything coming soon!

Thanks for the feedback by the way! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback! By the upcoming week, more UGC Concepts will be added to my Portfolio with etc of stuff too! :slight_smile: