Does realistic need to be high-poly / can it be achieved through low-poly / mid-poly

I never really tried doing realistic buildings. What makes something realistic?/How can you make something realistic? If that makes sense…
For example, this building is low-poly I believe, is it possible to turn this in to realistic


Low poly builds can be realistic. Low poly only means low triangle count.
Here are some examples of detailed low-poly builds:

They’re not from Roblox but you get the point. Low poly does not necessarily mean not realistic. Just like how rectangles aren’t always squares.

For realism, try adding textures and small details, such as the nuts and bolts on the fire hydrant above. Small things makes a difference.


thanks for your reply! it helps me better understand on how to make things more realistic. are textures a key thing in making a model realistic?


Textures are not needed for realism, but they’re a good way to make your build more realistic.

For example, this has no textures:

Yet it is amazingly realistic.