Don’t know username for Right-To-Erasure Request

That won’t work as all data from the user has been deleted.

Relax, no one’s going to knock on your door and send you to prison because you’re storing how many coins a random username had on your game.

Plus, if you can’t even tie the data to a particular user ID, who cares? Sounds like you don’t have personal information that’s tied to UserIDs to delete in the first place.

What follows is my opinion (I am not a lawyer)

Ignore the request. Roblox should have better tools to deal with this and be more clear about their data requirements. Not your problem. If they really have an issue they can do the work themselves.

The most “trouble” you could theoretically get into is if they blocked your account or something, but that has never happened on this platform due to non-compliance of GDRP requests.


Agree. I know lots of people who do this, and they don’t get into any legal trouble. Although you’re supposed to delete it, you can’t so don’t worry about it. The blame is on Roblox.

Just update your DataStores to store UserIds and move on.

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Adding to this i wrote yesterday. The Username for stats is saved as a datastore instead of a key.

And i Can’t delete a datastore, I can’t seem to change the name either.

Relax, that’s what I thought and erased like 10 people’s data. Eventually I realized something, if I’m getting this many, imagine top developers, they might be doing this in batches or using some sort of macro to remove the data. I haven’t removed the one I got from a few months ago.

I came to the conclusion they should just ignore the data since it’s too trivial a task. I also happened to read somewhere that roblox automatically deletes it for you but if you have a certain datastore system they give you that message before deleting it just to ensure they don’t mess up much. Don’t take my word, I just remember this from somewhere but it seems logical

Yes however, the scripts makes a datastore for each individual user meaning I can’t even delete the datastore.

You can delete what’s in the datastore though, the only thing left will be the datastore name, and it’s not like the username could give us valuable info about the person, we don’t even know who’s the user by looking through the stores.

Can’t delete all datastores since there’s millions?

Try this, it may crash your PC due to the absurd amount of datastores there are, so make sure to close everything else in your PC.:

Tried this on another place for testing it only cleared the data name is there. I did some math and on my main game clearing every player would take 1.09 years assuming my pc runs 24/7 with no errors.

Also how does roblox expect us to do this. I mean what if we stopped using roblox snd were flooded by messages.

We should be able to delete datastores. Generally this system needs improvement.

Here’s my theory, I think Roblox deletes all the data they can except for the in-game save data. They delete their chat logs, profile, username, everything. But they can’t delete in-game save data themselves because either they can’t control the datastores in your game or there’s too many of them and too many games that it’s impossible for them to do it, which is why they ask the developer to do it since they simply can’t. The majority of developers (especially famous devs) ignore it but nothing happens to them, not even anything happens to Roblox. The reason for this is because in-game save data isn’t personal info. There’s no way for a Roblox game to get their real name, real ID, real address, etc. Therefore, Roblox doesn’t get in legal trouble nor do the devs do.

But that’s just a theory, I’m not a lawyer or anything. I suggest just ignoring it like the majority of people do, Roblox already deletes enough data about the user.

Also yes we need the ability to completely delete a Datastore instead of just deleting everything in it.

Hmm, alright. What if I hypothetically quit roblox one day?

Will i still have to do this requests I don’t want to spend my life clearing data.

You’ll still get requests but like I said in the post you can just ignore them, lots of people do it and they’re fine. In-game save data doesn’t store personal info anyways.

You will want to migrate your data over to a single datastore that uses the user id as the key. You would basically do the following.

  1. Read data from named datastore.
  2. Use Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(). If it fails, flag the username.
  3. Using the user id obtained in step 2, write the user data to the new datastore.

About the failure: With any failures you can contact Roblox support. However, if there is only one failure, then it’s more than likely that the data that you are supposed to delete.


The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a regulation in EU law and in California (though to a lesser extent) to enhance individual’s control and rights over their data. The Right-To-Erausre requests aren’t something you can ignore because by doing so you’d be breaking the law. This isn’t an exaggeration, it’s just how the law works. If you’re actively not complying Roblox has the right (to do anything really but in this case) to take moderation action against your account

Just because the task is too trivial doesn’t give you an excuse to ignore these requests. Top Developers often automate these tasks because they follow good coding practises and outline for the worst in their datastores (whether it be external or Roblox’s).

@Frepzter The solution would be to go use Roblox’s API Docs page. In this case we want to find the Username from the UserId so go here and you’ll need to write the request in a json format. Copy past the following into the request parameter:

    "userIds": [
    "excludeBannedUsers": false

Replace 99 with the UserId you want to find the Username from and you should find it in the response body.
I should also mention that if it’s too late, you won’t get their username anymore (because the data has already been deleted, duh). My solution to this would honestly be to contact Roblox support explaining your situation.

Can’t you get usernames of the people that want you to delete your DataStores and remove their keys using a for loop? You can see all the past usernames of users too

Nope, the username is deleted by the time they send you the request.

I’ll resurface this topic again. I get a bunch of these for games that aren’t even mine, they’re from old groups I’m in. And, NONE of my games (or THOSE games) use Data Stores. I don’t even know how they work or have a reason to try. So, these messages are useless to me. I don’t even know why I get them when I don’t use stores.

I think Roblox is doing the ‘least effort’ method of complying with the law. They probably just flag every game the player ever joined and blast the messages out for the game owner to ‘figure it out’.

So now you can do your least effort to comply, since you didn’t save any personal identifying data, delete message, move on.


“Least Effort” is a big thing around here. Almost like it’s their whole business model…

I know that this topic is from 2 years ago, but, there has been a way to get the username of a deleted account from the ID?