Door busting system like in nicos nextbots

Hi i need help how to make door busting ??


its really simple. make this a script inside the door

script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- starts whenever the door is touched
    local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") -- gets humanoid as a way to know if its a player
    if hum and hum.WalkSpeed >= 20 then -- if the player has enough "energy" (in this case we are using their speed)
         script.Parent.Anchored = false -- busts the door
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Does it work whis this model nn doors

How am I exactly supposed to know that?

robloxapp-20221225-1525480.wmv (1.2 MB)

its not working

Is your WalkSpeed over 20, also show me the explorer path of the door.


Or i will add you to the studio

nty, but you didnt show me the full explorer path of the door, but are there any welds or joints or hinges or anything the like?


Technically the player could just not move at all, and it would still bust the door open. Getting the player’s current velocity (instead of walkspeed) would be a better choice.

--@ config
local minimumSpeed = 20

local part = script.Parent

	local char = toucher:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")
	local HRP: BasePart = char and char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	if HRP and (HRP.AssemblyLinearVelocity *, 0, 1)).Magnitude >= minimumSpeed then
		-- add opening door code here

Does it work whis proximityPrompt ?

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No, but you can make it work with a proximity prompt.

I used this model

like this (24) progress test 04 || door busting - YouTube

I gess no one can help …:frowning: i give up

Why don’t you make a door busting animation while the players velocity is above a specific velocity you chose. And when the player touches the door the animation plays.

It’s really easy to achieve this, just get when the proximity prompt is activated and check if the player’s speed is higher than a certain number

how to animate ??? im new to roblox studio

You don’t need to animate it though, you could tween it.
To make a door busting system, you must find out velocity of player, then get the door to bust on such speed such as higher than 30 or what ever you choose. Here are resources: