Download your Sales Data!

Might be worth passing this to a programmer you work with, save ROBLOX having to add more to its plate?

You can download this data in a .csv format which is parsable in most high-level languages.

You can then write a program to filter data by universe ID, extract buyer IDs for each entry and request user information from ROBLOX’s API with the accompanying buyer ID to check for premium.

This will let you automate the process.

I’ve resorted to publishing games under new groups just to not have to deal with this lol.


Oh I didn’t realise you could download premium payout records. Where do you find this information?

Also not sure why you’d need to cross reference with anything. They are not displayed based on individual users but per day.

I thought this was an extension update, but this is actually a real Roblox update!

I think this is a really good addition. I think this is really good because lets say Roblox goes down when someone buys one of your items or donates to you and then somehow you don’t get the the full amount of Robux you should get you could download it and have it forever!

Will there ever be a way to automatically download reports like these, or other analytics data from the API? Would be useful for creating off-site analytics tools for specific groups or whatnot.

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I’m pretty sure that’s already a thing
Creator Dashboard - Google Chrome 1_19_2023 8_13_12 PM (2)

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tbf the creator dashboard should contain the entire transactions section as well

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This is actually quite amazing for taxes, if they ever request this, ‘type of invoice’ I actually have some information which they will never use or look at for 2 seconds but at least accept.

Didn’t know Robix was a thing

Anyways this is sure good for analytics

I think this is an amazing addition. I would love to see this come to group fund payouts or even just your transactions summery. But overall I think this is a good update :slight_smile:

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That’s not what they meant. Premium Payouts are something different from assets bought by people with Premium. What you describe is, as you say, easily done yourself (at the time of selling that asset, retrospectively it’s not possible), or could/should be added by Roblox themselves, as it’s easy and wouldn’t give retrospective problems.


Yes you can export it via the dashboard, but I’m referring to downloading it programmatically.

It’s a New form of currency haha :joy:

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Ontop of this, roblox has the data displayed in a graph, why cant they just give us the file this information is stored in? So strange.

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Place visits on your profile aren’t accurate.

Nice! Will we be getting a search bar (or sorting options) in the Transactions page eventually (not only for Sales of Goods)? Such as to search for a specific user buying something, or if we want to find the exact date we purchased something a long time ago or if we want to sort by things like biggest purchases/sales, oldest purchases/sales, etc.
Would be pretty convenient to have a search bar, although I acknowledge some sorting options may not be feasible to add especially for users that have very popular games with many people buying something every minute.

You can probably have a server or something to automatically send out a request every so often.

The endpoint isn’t documented on but you can use network tab in inspect element to check the request headers and whatnot.

I don’t know if I will ever use this but a good thing to have.

This is extremely helpful. I often get emails stating that there was a product purchase that was not received, and it was difficult for me to verify the purchase in the Sale of Goods tab. Now I can do a quick search of the account’s user ID and find it instantly. Thank you!