Download your Sales Data!

I made a little video on how to convert the data into tables using google sheets for those of you who don’t know how to use it. It’s very easy!


Gonna have a look, seems interesting

It will help me, if you will add it also on commissions

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Is there any time limit for downloading the sales of goods with group income, such as exporting only once a month?

Because I have submitted many requests, so far I have only received one email.

Is this the only way to view Sales of Goods for UGC, plugins, etc?
If so, it is very cumbersome for a developer. Let’s say I want to view the sales of a specific plugin that I made. I would have to download the data and open it up the spreadsheet, and then do a search or sort, and then a sum just to see how many sales it had.


With the removal of the legacy develop page, there’s now no easy way to view total sales of stuff like plugins for all time. For me being able to see total sales is a good indicator of how important updating, fixing, or providing new features for a plugin is. If it’s very popular then I’ll want to fix it right away, but less popular gives me more leeway. Now there’s not really any way to find out this information other than downloading data for each and every month, which is a slow process. Just want to see a simple summary for total sales. That’s all. Now a process that took <5 seconds now takes god knows how long.


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